chapter 30

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It wasn't long until I was brought back upstairs, to the main room.

I wonder if they knew I could hear everything they were saying from down there, like it was some tactic to get me to talk.

I was tied to a chair, and sat at the edge of the table.

"Make this easy, Miss Flamel. Just tell us what it said." He crossed his arms, charming his snake to slither all around me.

"Why are you bargaining with a girl! Use veritaserum!" One yelled.

"Torture her!" Another added.

"Not yet. I want her to prove herself." He snapped back.

I took a deep breath, "I will never prove myself to you."

"You're a stupid girl." He shook his head. "Nagini, go." He hissed, as the snake took a bit of my ankle.

I winced, screamed, tried to break free from the chair. Nothing worked.

I dropped my head in defeat, this wasn't going to be easy.

Multiple snake bits and curses later, I spoke.

"Fine!" I yelled, watching all of them listen, "It said that... you will live a long healthy life."

"I see why my son took a liking to you" he scoffed, "nagini."

I looked down at the snake, making its way towards me.

"Please." I must've looked so stupid, talking to a snake. Begging it to leave me be.

But it did?

"What did you just say?!" He screamed.

My eyes shot up to look at him.

"I didn't say anything?" I shook my head.

Confusion filled his eyes, mine as well.

"Why can you...speak parseltounge?" He now rose to his feet.

"I didn't. I spoke English, I swear." I was beginning to sweat.

How did I do that. How did I get the snake to listen to me, how did I speak a language I didn't even know I could.

"Who... are... you?" He was just inches from my face now. "You could be very useful... so begin now. What did it say?" He whispered.

I brought my gaze up to him, "i'll never tell."

"fine." He scoffed, "Have it your way." He walked back to his seat. "Bella, have at it."

"Gladly, my lord." 

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