chapter 7: meeting Devils part 2

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My Pov

I was still in the orc watching how rias was lectured issei on the duty of a newly reincarnated devil, I pretty much zoned out since it is none of my business since  I'm not a devil, I was sitting down on one of the  couches with koneko snuggling on my lap while I gave her head pats she began to pur like a cat which looked absolutely adorable. I was getting glances from rias which looked weird, she looked like she wanted to be with me well sucks to be her.

Finn sat in the orc , his eyes fixed on the  on Rias, Akeno, and Kiba were gathered, and Issei seemed a bit bewildered, clearly not entirely sure about his newfound responsibilities as a newly reincarnated devil.

Rias: Issei, I know this is a lot to take in, but as a devil, you have certain duties and responsibilities. It's crucial to understand your role in our world.

Akeno: Yes, Issei. You need to learn how to use your demonic powers effectively and responsibly. It's not just about the strength; it's about control.

Kiba: And you should also be aware of the balance between our world and the human world. We need to maintain a harmonious coexistence.

I watched with interest as they continued to impart their wisdom to Issei, and i couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the characters. They were not just about the action and fan service; there was depth to their story.

Rias: Issei, you also have to remember that as devils, we have to follow certain rules and codes of conduct. It's not just about power; it's about honor.

Akeno: And you'll need to be prepared for battles against other supernatural beings. It's a dangerous world out there.

Kiba: But you won't be alone. You have us, your friends and comrades, to support you. We'll train together and help you grow stronger.

As the dialogue continued, i couldn't help but appreciate the character development and the underlying themes in the series. It was about more than just fan service and action scenes; it was a story of growth, responsibility, and friendship.

Koneko rested peacefully in my lap, her soft purring providing a comforting backdrop to the serious conversation taking place infront of us. I absentmindedly caressed her hair

Is it me or is she purring

Rias: Issei, remember that you have a purpose as a devil. Embrace it, and you'll find meaning in your new life.

Akeno: And never forget your humanity. It's what makes you unique among devils.

Kiba: We believe in you, Issei. We know you can become a great devil if you put your heart into it.

Finn continued to watch, appreciating the blend of action, character development, and life lessons that High School DxD had to offer. It was a series that had more to it than met the eye, and he looked forward to seeing how Issei's journey would unfold.

me:since I'm technically part of the peerage but I'm not a devil so what do I do exactly?

Rias turned to me.

Rias: you can help us in doing contracts if they pile over and you have access to the gremory circle which is a rare fear for a human.

When I heard her mention human made me cringe but I hid it with a stoic expression.

Rias turned to issei.

Rias: since you don't have a familiar to help you, since you just started you have to be giving out flyers to expand the number of contracts we get.

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