chapter 16:

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The unfamiliar surroundings of the hospital room enveloped me, and a profound sense of disorientation settled in. I struggled to comprehend the abrupt shift from the supernatural conflicts of Kuoh Academy to the sterile environment of the hospital. Confusion etched my expression as I took in the clinical surroundings, the antiseptic scent lingering in the air.

Me:Is this a dream?

I whispered, my voice echoing within the quiet confines of the room. The realization slowly dawned that I had been transported to a time before my reincarnation into the supernatural world of High School DxD.

My hands trembled as I touched the hospital bed, the reality of my fragile state sinking in. Memories resurfaced, memories of a time when I was plagued by a rare heart disease that rendered my heart as delicate as glass. The weight of that past burden pressed upon me, and tears welled up in my eyes.

Me:Where am I?

I questioned aloud, my voice tinged with both fear and uncertainty. The dissonance between the familiar halls of Kuoh Academy and the sterile hospital room left me grappling with the stark contrast of my two existences.

Panic surged within me as I frantically searched for any signs of Kira, the little sister who had become a beacon of joy and companionship in my later life. "Kira?" I called out, but the room remained silent, devoid of the comforting presence I had come to know.

As the reality of my past condition unfolded, I found myself breaking down, the weight of the memories and the vulnerability of my fragile heart overwhelming. Tears streamed down my face, and a sense of helplessness gripped my soul.

Me:Why am I here again?

I questioned the cruel twist of fate that had brought me back to a time of physical frailty and emotional turmoil. The memories of hospital visits, the hushed conversations of concerned doctors, and the fear of my own mortality replayed in my mind like a haunting melody.

In the quiet solitude of the hospital room, I grappled with the fragility of life and the uncertainty that lay ahead. The once-forgotten pain resurfaced, and I cried for the struggles of my past self, caught in the throes of a rare and debilitating illness.

As I wept and confronted the echoes of my own vulnerability, I yearned for the familiar comforts of Kuoh Academy, the supernatural world that had become a refuge and a canvas for a new chapter in my existence.

The sterile white walls of the hospital room closed in around me, and a desperate plea escaped my lips.

Me:Rias, Issei, Akeno, Koneko, Asia, Kiba, Mom—please, someone, help me. I don't want to stay here. Please, not this again.

Tears streamed down my face as I called out, the echo of my voice bouncing off the clinical surfaces of the room. The profound sense of loneliness engulfed me, and the memories of my past struggles with a fragile heart resurfaced with haunting clarity.

In the midst of my cries for help, the silence in the room remained unbroken. The absence of familiar faces and comforting voices only intensified the feeling of isolation. "Please," I whispered, the desperation in my voice echoing the vulnerability I felt in that moment.

The weight of my plea hung in the air, unanswered, as if the walls themselves absorbed the sound. The realization that, in this moment of vulnerability, I was truly alone, gnawed at my soul.

Me:No, not again

I sobbed, the memories of past hospitalizations and the fear of the unknown flooding back. The room seemed to close in around me, the sterile environment becoming a suffocating reminder of my own fragility.

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