A Choir of One

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Note: Takes place during 'Refuge'

"And then, I'm ashamed to say, I put them on stakes outside the castle like I was my father... I'm just saying, I wasn't at my best.'' Alucard shucked the night creature's corpse off his sword, wiping the bloodied blade on moss. I was honestly surprised he felt comfortable enough  talking about his past trauma, especially this casually.

"Not until my guardian angel showed up at my front door."

"Aww shucks! You speak too highly of me. Really, part of me wishes you spared them so I could kill them myself." I responded sharply

" That's uncharacteristic of an angel." Greta commented. "Aren't your folk supposed to be guardians of all humanity?"

"We can be mean if we're angered enough, and we can do a lot of killing." I said.

"Interesting. Don't go raining down the plague if somebody pisses you off." Greta remarked.

"Couldn't if I wanted to." I winked. "I don't have the clearance. Joking aside, those two were more than deserving of their fates. Have you ever heard of such a thing.." My staff glowed dimly from my anger.

"I mean. I had a boyfriend and a girlfriend at the same time once." Greta tried to lighten the mood. "But they never tried to kill me. Actually, no. I tell a lie. His wife went for me with a pitchfork."

That got a chuckle out of Alucard, and I couldn't help the involuntary blush on my cheeks. God I love you.

"I never understood that with humans, that you only had to stick with one partner. You've got enough love in your hearts for more than one family member or friend, why not more than one lover? If that wife was an angel she would've taken you as part of her choir."

Both gave me the weirdest looks.

"I thought Angels mated for life." Alucard said.

"We do. It doesn't mean we're monogamous. Most choirs are made up of polyamorous bonds between angels. That's how it is for us. Share the love."

"But not for you?" Greta asked.

"No...not for me." I sighed. "I didn't know what romantic love was until I met Aurelius, and none of the angels favored me after that. I loved a human and had his child. It's taboo for an angel to take a human partner, and downright forbidden to mate with one. My brothers were punished for doing both and here I go, their surviving sister, repeating the same sins."

I laughed a dry humorless laugh. "No sane choir or angel would think of taking me as a mate. Might as well take a demon for a lover. I was always alone. Angels aren't meant to be alone."

Alucard took my hand. "You're not alone anymore."

"No." I squeezed his hand. "Not anymore. I'm glad to have you part of my choir."

And Greta too if she's interested . I wanted to add but kept my mouth shut.

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