Two Angels and a Belmont

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"I can't believe I'm riding a goddamn unicorn." Trevor muttered behind me.

"Would you like to walk the rest of the way to the castle?" I turned and looked behind me, holding the unicorn's mane.


"Then be grateful he's allowing  you to ride him."  I patted the equine's shoulder. He had slowed to a walk as we made our way through a dense forest. 

"Only because you asked him to carry me." Grunted my last living descendant. "He wouldn't stand anywhere near me if you didn't. I'm the furthest from an innocent virgin you can get." The unicorn snorted at his remark. "See? he agrees."

"He lets me ride him." I  countered.

"You're different." Trevor said. " You're brethren. You're an angel, a holy benevolent creature in a corporeal form like him. Doesn't matter if you've fucked Alucard a few times."

"Oh my God you're such an asshole!" I snapped flustered. "Maybe I should have left you in the Corridor!"

"Would've saved you time and trouble." Trevor shrugged.

We stopped to take a rest. Trevor had enough energy to walk off behind some shrubs while I went the other way, finding my own secluded spot. If Alucard were here he would have told me to cover it, or covered it himself with his own marker. Apparently night creatures can scent what I am off it?   I covered it up after I finished. When I returned, he waited for me  to lean his back against a tree. "The hell took you so long? What were you doing?"

"The same thing you were doing." I remarked.

"It takes you that long to take a piss?" Trevor question. "You're lucky there's no night creatures around."

"Excuse me!" I snapped. "I can't just whip it out and extinguish the hose. It's a process."

"You are a celestial being that can take any form you want." Trevor shrugged.

"Not me." I answered. "Not anymore. It's true angels can assume either male or female physical forms, but I can't. I can only take a female body now."

Trevor was genuinely surprised. "Why? Because you rebelled against the Heavenly Order?"

"Because I had a child." I revealed. "Creating life binds you to your physical body in a way that  other functions don't.  I could never take a male form again after giving birth to your ancestor. I'm the only angel limited to one sex."

"That sucks."

"It doesn't." I said. "I'll never regret having Val, and I always preferred  a female body anyway. Never liked having my vulnerable bits on the outside." I winked.

"Good for you." Trevor smirked.  "I'm sure you appreciate it more  with Alucard in the picture. He must be grateful for it too, very grateful."

"You are a few words short of me smacking you in the head." I warned.


We hit the road again and stopped a few hours later to make camp. "I'm going to collect wood for fire. Stay by the unicorn." I told Trevor walking towards the trees

"Sure." Trevor rested. "Don't stop to take a piss on your way back."  I responded with a middle finger.

Firewood was easy to collect. I went back in the direction of camp with an armful of kindling.

"The fuck are you looking at?" I heard Trevor's voice grumble.

"Stay away from me!" He warned.

I dropped the firewood and ran to him.

"Get the fuck- are you serious!? I'm a mean old bastard with a passion for sex and beer! You do not want me, you shouldn't even like me! Get away from me-!!"

I couldn't believe what I saw. The unicorn lay peacefully next to Trevor  with his head  resting in irritable Belmont's lap.

"Shut up." Trevor warned.

I couldn't help my ridiculous grin.

"Shut up."

"Azrael was right." I giggled. "Don't believe in every fairytale."

"Shut the fuck up, angel-face." Trevor seethed mortified.

"The truth really is stranger than fiction."

"Get your stupid horse off me!"  The unicorn lifted his head and nuzzled Trevor the way he did with me. "For God's sake!"

"He likes you." I laughed amazed. "You may be a mean old bastard, but you have a heart of gold. You're a good soul, and he knows it."

"Yeah yeah whatever." Trevor pushed the unicorn's muzzle away from him.  "Don't you dare tell Alucard."

"Fine I won't. As long as you stop jabbing me about my love life."

"Fine." Trevor relented. "Where's the firewood?"

"I dropped to run over to you." I remembered. "I thought you were being attacked." 

"Of course you did....." Trevor grumbled. "How the hell are you my ancestor?"

"How the hell are you my descendant?" I quipped and went to pick up the kindling.

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