Talking to Vratrak

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Vrai walked over to the Tarkatans and unlocked the cage. "Follow me and do not try to run, got it?" The Tarkatans all nod silently as they step out of the cage, all trembling in fear.They look like scared puppies as they fearfully follow Vrai's orders, as they all look down at the ground, too afraid to make eye contact with anyone. They all look around fearfully, but they will go along with whatever Vrai says.

Vrai leads them to the prison room and allocates them each to a cell. "I don't want to hear you talk to one another while you are down here. You are here to serve Mileena. If I hear anyone speak I shall cut out your tongue, understand?" She asked.

The Tarkatans all nod in silence, before going into their individual cells. They all fearfully look down at the ground, too traumatised to even make eye contact with Vrai. They are all too frightened to even dare speak. They are terrified of Vrai and what might happen if they dare say a single thing. That is the fear that Mileena instils in any who dare oppose her. A fear so great that it would drive anyone mad.

Vrai's gaze softened a bit. "Good." She locked their cells and threw them each a clump of food. "Be grateful I spared your life until tomorrow." The Tarkatans all quickly grab the clumps of food, before quickly eating them with desperate hunger. They are starving and so are grateful for even the slightest shred of mercy right about now. They quickly eat their food, before looking up at Vrai with pleading eyes, their fear of her having lessened a bit. The look of desperation and hope in their eyes says it all. They really are glad that Vrai did not decide to execute them here and now. And that tiny shred of hope they feel is enough for them to keep going.

"So now tell me why you betrayed Mileena," she asked them. "I will allow you to speak for this."

The Tarkatans all look at each other, before one of them speaks up. "Well, you see, it's a long story. But essentially, we were all tired of her rule and her cruelty. We just wanted to be free from her reign of terror. So, we decided to stage a rebellion against her. And well, here we are." He says, before looking down at the ground again. He's a smart Tarkatan. He knows who to fear, and he knows who not to cross.

"What's your name?"

The Tarkatan speaks up. "My... Name is Vratrak. What do you want that for?" He asks, before glancing over at his fellow Tarkatans. "What do you care about knowing our names for? You don't care about any of us... You just want to execute us in front of everyone tomorrow to prove a point. He says with a nervous laugh, before sighing. "So... Do you really want to know our names? We all know you will just kill us regardless."

"Don't question me, Vratrak. I'll ask what I want." She looked at them with a slight smile. "I want your names because I want to know more about you. It's all about motives, you know?"

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