Pride Goeth Before the Fall

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Clementine was woken as the sun came up shining into her eyes. She shot off her bed as soon as her thoughts gathered and walked towards Y/N. Nick was sat next to him, keeping guard. Clementine squealed in excitement and rushed over, seeing Y/N was laying on his side, facing the wall.

"Y/N. Y/N are you awake?" Clementine asked excitedly. She was shocked when he didn't respond.

"Nick, is he?"

"He's been in and out Clem. But he ain't said nothing. He ain't doing too well" Nick answered.

Clementine's eyes teared up before she was softly grabbed from behind, Rebecca saying gently:

"That's boys been through some hell, let's just give him some time to wake up and figure things out."

Clementine nodded as the shutter door opened, Vince and Wyatt bringing the group their twice daily servings of beans and rice.


The group had a quick meeting after breakfast, deciding that Clementine should get the radio to Luke while she was running supplies back and forth.

As she, Kenny and Mike were being led away by Wyatt, Bonnie called out that Clementine was with her this morning. Kenny attempted to argue but Clem reassured him it was fine.

The pair entered the armoury and Bonnie shut the door, asking immediately:

"How's Y/N? Any change?"

"He woke up during the night but he's not talking and he's just laying on his side, I'm not sure what to do" Clementine said as tears fell from her eyes again.

"Oh darling. Just- it was a hell of an evil thing done to him, that boy's gonna need a hell of a lot of help coming out the other side of it. He's gonna need you to be strong for him."

Clementine nodded before wiping her eyes.

"You said to come up with a plan. Luke's hiding in the comic store. I need to get this to him..."

Clem lifted her jumper, showing Bonnie the radio.

"Clementine!" Bonnie said in shock.

"I can drop it off on the way to the others. Are you finished with me?"

Bonnie sighed and nodded.

"Anyone asks I send you to Wyatt to see what he needs. Don't get caught."

Clementine nodded and quickly began walking out the door. She passed out to the expansion, quickly ducking into the comic store.

"Luke. Luke are you ok?" Clementine asked before the front door swung open behind her. Troy was standing there, his face bruised and the bottom row of his teeth knocked out.

"Fucking little bitch. You ain't supposed to be in here!"

As Troy walked towards Clementine she answered:

"I just thought I-"

She was cut off as she was backhanded hard, falling to the floor with a pained yell.

"You've fucked up big time girl" Troy said standing over her menacingly with a sadistic smirk before the door opened again.

"Wh-What's going on in here?" Wyatt asked as Clementine looked at him with eyes begging for help.

"Walk away Wyatt. I only need ten minutes to teach this girl her place."

"N-no" Wyatt stammered.

"The fuck you say to me?" Troy snapped as he turned to face the chubby bearded coward.

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