06. Harlow's hunt

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NoteThank you all for keep reading my story. I warn you this is a long novel, so feel free to vote and comment anytime you can. Seeing interaction helps me to stay motivated :')

Happy Halloween everyone!! 


A student? Who were they talking about?

Lana and Poppy looked at each other, surprised by what they just heard. The camp wasn't very big, there were a couple of half-assembled tents and the Puffskeins cages were piled up on one side. One of the Ashwinders fanned the flame of the bonfire with a simple fire summoning spell. Poppy seemed nervous about rescuing them, but Lana stopped her. She placed a hand in front of her and said, "Wait". The conversation between Ashwinders and poachers was not over yet. Lana wanted to know more. That Harlow was mentioned was no coincidence and neither was the fact that a Hogwarts student was involved in a dangerous conspiracy. What surprised Lana the most was that the dementors had not noticed their presence, since they were relatively close from the castle. That was not a good thing. A concealing charm perhaps?

-I'm tired of a simple kid telling us what to do, I don't know what he's playing at-  they didn't seem very happy, they were following Harlow's orders. But no matter how hard Lana tried, she didn't know which student might be interested in leading some dark wizards.

"Sebastian?", she thought. 

No, impossible. Sebastian hated dark wizards...and goblins. Turning her gaze, she saw that some former loyalists of Ranrok were approaching from a corner carrying a cart with what appeared to be pieces of goblin metal. Their eyes and armor emanated a glow, a very dark one. Had they had access to the keepers' repositories again? It seemed that beating Ranrok hadn't done much good after all. Since they could use ancient dark magic again. Although Lana had taken that power, she thought that by finishing the last repository, everything was over...

-You have finally arrived, for Merlin's beard- one of the Ashwinders began to remove the goblin metal boxes checking something- that's all?-. 

-Of course not stupid, but it's all we've been able to rescue from the tower of San Bakar- the goblin looked at them with contempt, and the others also looked at them in the same way. 

It seemed that the relationship between the wizard kind and goblins was still as complicated as usual. Something was certain, the goblins were emptying the keepers' respositories and extracting ancient magic from the areas of the ancient magic trials. But how? Unless they were rebuilding the drilling machines. Hence all the goblin metal. 

-Have you activated the new mines as Harlow commanded?-an Ashwinder asked, a different one than the one in front of the leader of that group of goblins.

-Yes, and you better pay us for our work soon, our labor isn't for free- the goblin growled as he climbed into one of the carriages to transport what they had collected and delivered to them.

-It not depends on us, now we can't expose ourselves, the Ministry is looking for us- their treatment was rough and dry, it was not easy at all.

-Whatever- the goblins left, and the Ashwinders continued to set up camp to settle there. It seemed like their stay would be long.

"Ready?", Lana said. She took out her wand and with one leg bent, she got into the starting position. It was not the first time she had devastated an Ashwinders camp and this one would not be the last. Her heart was beating fast, perhaps she had lost her bearings. This wasn't like a class, here if she made a mistake there was no second chance. Poppy didn't look ready either. One, two, three. 

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