07. Imprisoned

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Lana needed to find Natty as soon as possible, she couldn't face it without her. After much thought, she was certain that maybe it wasn't Sebastian who had sent her that message last night. If he and Harlow were in all of this together, it was best to go with someone she trusted and knew Harlow very well and confronted him before. She looked everywhere, she couldn't find her and despair began to take over her.

Garreth couldn't take her eyes off Lana and followed her as she left the Great Hall.

At some point, he saw her leaning against a wall and with her head down. He took a deep breath before slowly sliding his feet towards her as he tried to control his own breathing. He didn't know how to act when he was around her, as if she were a time bomb about to explode. He was somewhat afraid but at the same time he liked danger and was too attached to her. He had the desire to protect her, he had always seen her from the outside and finally that he had the opportunity to have her by his side, he was not going to allow her to slip through his fingers like smoke. He put a hand on her shoulder and she jumped.

-Garreth? What are you doing here?- Lana seemed a little disoriented.

-I could ask you the same- he was worried, and Lana just wanted to be left alone. But for some reason she didn't have the courage to reject him.

-I need to find Natty, now, I...I have to tell her something- she answered evasively.

-Well, I guess today is your lucky day, because I know exactly where she is- he showed her a wide smile. Even Lana felt bad that he was so nice to her. She had not forgotten that kiss and how she had immediately been busy with Ominis almost the entire time.

-Tell me Garreth, please- she was begging for help. He loved it.

-My aunt told me today that she had a meeting with Professor Onai and that it was about the Tournament, and since every Gryffindor knows that Natty has throw her name at the Goblet of Fire, perhaps my aunt and her mother will be with Natty in her office- afterwards, Garreth taked Lana's hand through the corridors.

As he said, there she was. Natty was outside the transfiguration's class, under the porche. Lana  explained to her everything, Garreth was listening carefully too. The Puffskein's rescue, what the poachers said about Harlow and the student and the message on her mirror last night.

-Would you help me?- Lana asked both them.

-Of course- they said at the same time.

-But please, don't tell Ominis if it's not necessary, he...he won't understand- even mention him bothered Garreth but he make it like it was no problem. She was more important.

-He needs to know, he's your friend- added Natty frowning.

-Send him a message if it is essential, once we are there and only if there is danger- Lana tried to convince her and she did. Natty nodded.

They had to walk until they were outside the protection radius of the Hogwarts castle to be able to do disappearing and appear near Rookwood Castle, several kilometers to the south. The disappearing was one of the most useful abilities that Natty and Lana had achieved on their O.W.L.s on their 5th year, even if the exams were only allowed to seven-year students. In fact, they were the only ones in class who were capable of doing it thanks to Profesor Weasley who let them do the exam so early because of their excellent grades. They appeared under a small headlight that illuminated the winding road that wound up the hill. A few meters below the castle, for safety. Since none of them could know what they might find ahead. They hid in the undergrowth as the approach the place. Many voices could be heard in the surroundings, inside the high stone walls of the fortress, which meant that there was a lot of movement in the area. Mostly goblins.

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