09. Sebastian's sorrow

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Note: This is sum up of Sebastian POV from the events of the game, Lana's 5th year at Hogwarts. This what i think he thought and feel about MC. Share your opinions on the comments!!

Thank me later! ;)


He saw her coming from the girls dormitory while reading next to the fireplace, with the blondest hair he ever saw tight in a braid. Her curious eyes went across the Slytherin common room. Everyone murmured as she passed next to them. "Must be -different- starting Hogwarts so late", on Slytherin student said to another. He looked at her over the edge of the book very surreptitiously, and she went to talk to Imelda at the wizard's chess table in a corner of the room with the windows that overlooked the black lake. She also went to introduce herself to Ominis, he was leaning next to the large windows whick let a blue light pass through the glass.

To be honest, Sebastian didn't pay to much attenttion to her at that point. But she shinned with her own light. She seemed innocent to him. Her voice was soft as she talked to him, he may had found his kindred spirit. She was also interesed into learn any kind of magic she could. He liked her. Her precious smile, her eagerness to learn.

His attenttion began to flourish more in Professor Hecat's Defense Against the Dark Arts class. No one had beated him on a duel until she did. She looked like a challenge to him. When she said that he was lucky she held back, that was the first time he laid his eyes on her and he never took them off. Lana Malfoy was quite interesting. The only thing Sebastian knew about her was that she was Professor Fig's favourite, like some kind of adopted daughter. That she had lost her parents at a young age, just like him. He invited her to join crossed wants, to keep her close. He knew she would say yes. After facing a dragon, a friendly competition would be a piece of cake for her. He couldn't resist the tentation to get to know her better as she seem to have no past. Like a blank scroll with nothing written on it.

The next class, Charms with Professor Ronen, he proved his point. He cheered her up while she won Natty at the Summoning Charm board. She wasn't just anyone, she had something special. Her to wield powerful spells even with a second-hand wand was facinating. Her footsteps trotting over the wood, from one side to the other, her face of concentration.

When the class was dismissed, he went to the library. The book he was reading wasn't as useful as he thought. He needed to sneak into the restriction section again. Maybe something related to how to wield dark curses would help him. Ominis wouldn't have agreed to be sent to detention again for Sebastian's absurd obsession with finding a cure for his twin sister Anne at any cost. He descended through the wooden staircase that led to the lower floor of the library and cast Alohomora to open the door locked by an enchanted padlock but it didn't work. Before he could sneak inside, Madam Scribner was behind him. She threatened to hand him over to Professor Sharp for punishment. Luckily for him, Professor Weasley thought the best punishment for him was to be somewhere else.

She commanded him to accompany Lana Malfoy to Hogsmeade to get some supplies she needed. His new "charge". But he didn't feel like she was charge at all. It would wise to keep an eye on her. He was glad that Professor Weasley entrust him by joining Lana on her first time outside the castle. As she saw her walking down the stairs from the central hall, he couldn't stop smiling at her. He will the best of guides then. He looked into her eyes, they had a shine on it.

Sebastian fancied her.

Lana's face was full of joy with a wide smile on it everytime she looked at him. He tried to be nice to her, he felt a little intimidated by Lana's gaze. He wasn't used to see someone looking at him like she did. One of the reasons he avoided an straight eye contact. He wasn't afraid but cautivated. Talking with her was as easy as breath. For the first time in months, he could feel some kind of relief. Peace. Not going to trust her instantly but...he felt like home. As if she could fill that void that flooded his mind and tormented him at night.

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