11. Rumors

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Note: If I didn't update anything for so long is bc I started working and I'm really busy and tired. The next updates will take me more time so, sorry in advance.


As Lana pushed the oak door with a large stone arch, the fireplace was on and the flames illuminated all the room with an orange color like at dawn while the rest was darker. The walls were made of mahogany-colored wood covered with wax paint, making it shine. In front of the fireplace were three green padded armchairs, almost as old as the rest of the furniture, and between them was a small table with a fire candelabra. Moreover, on the cobbled floor there was a round rug, whose shapes that were drawn were diffused by the little light in the room.

Three old wizards sat in the three padded armchairs, two of them had beards so long that they reached their pointed shoes, almost as sharp as the emerald hats they prostrated on their heads. They were chatting calmly and suddenly fell silent when they saw Lana enter the room without being expected. Natty was the first to torn around to look at her, everyone put their eyes on her. Also the group of wizards whom Lana guessed were the court that would be in charge of scoring the Tournament trials.

-This is a shame! Four champions!? It seems to me that this is not a fair competition if Hogwarts has two champions- a high, squeaky voice sounded from behind her.

A lanky woman with slanted eyes who until now had been sitting next to Professor Weasley. She was the director of the Mahoutokoro Institute of Witchcraft and Wizardry and she was accompanied by the headmaster of the Uagadou school. Azura Tendo was one of the best witches in Asia, she was the high priestess of the great temple of Todai-Ji in Nara. The only portal through which she accessed the Floating Dragon Temple, headquarters of the Institute of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Japan and the counterpart to King Cross Station in London. The Temple was also direct access to the Japanese Ministry of Magic, through the offering pit. You just had to throw one of the huge gold coins that hung from the top of the roof, tied with red silk, and stir up the magical waters adulterated with floo powder. The result was water that did not get you wet and that slid you wherever you wanted to go.

-Calm down Azura, there must be a misunderstanding- Profesor Weasley looked at Lana as she enter the room with Professor Black- there should be something we can do-.

-There's nothing we can do Matilda, the Goblet of Fire is haunted with an unbreakable spell- one of the wizards stand up on his feet.

-For Merlin's beard...this can't be true- Professor Weasley put her hands to her mouth in concern, walked over to Lana and placed her hands on her shoulders.

-Excuse me Miss Tendo, I think that your excellence doesn't understand the matter here, the rules are clear as Sir McGonagall told us- the Hogwarts headmaster said in a haughty tone- Miss Malfoy doesn't have any chance to refuse, she must participate without a doubt-.

-But Nigellius, she shouldn't be a Tournament champion, there must be some way...- said Azura, but Professor Weasley knew that Lana had no choice, but she couldn't help but feel a deep sadness when she realized her dire fate.

There was no reverse. Once the champions of the Triwizard Tournament were chosen, everything was settled and ready for preparation for the first trial. Each champion was given a piece of paper with the sentence:

"Wings make you fly to distant places"

The three trials would focus on testing the magical abilities of the contestants in three of the four natural elements. Air, water and earth. So, the first challenge was... Flying. Lana was the seeker of the house Slytherin, so if the first trial was about broom flying, she was an expert. She felt a little bit relief and Imelda was pretty excited about it. One of the few people who didn't criticized Lana for being the 4th champion of the Triwizard Tournament. But deep down she was certain that it will not be a regular trial, not all was about crossing the sky without obstacles.

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