10. The Tournament Champions

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Note: Just to clarify, Sebastian doesn't know Lana cured Anne. Chapter 9 was a Sebastian's POV but I added some other POVs to understand everything better.

The First Trial is close. Are you exicted? Cause I'm.


Lana just couldn't get out of her mind what she saw a few nights ago, the horror on Sebastian's face. For just a single moment, she forgot Harlow's torture. The wet floor of that cell covered with gravel that stuck into the palm of her hands. She could only thought about him every night. She got out of bed, with her hair disheveled. She tried to wake her face by rubbing her hands against it while taking a long breath. She delicately combed her hair, which was no longer tied up in a braid, but had chosen for some time to wear it loose but with a couple of strands pulled back on the top of her head. She lazily put on her uniform and robe. That pressure in her chest did not go away, it was as if her breath was cut off and her throat seemed stuck, dry. Lana wondered to herself about how Sebastian was, if the dementors had caught him or if maybe he was gone forever. The mere thought of seeing him suffer broke her soul. Maybe he was dead...

"No, he must be alive", she wished with all her might.

She couldn't think that he could be dead. That thought had no place.

The days of October passed slowly, but this Monday was Halloween. The Great Hall was decorated for the occasion. With pumpkins floating near the floating candles on the ceiling, bats and cobwebs hanging from the walls. That cold morning had been dyed a particular dark shade of gray, storm clouds hovering over the castle. The cold drop fogged up the windows and soaked them in frozen vapor.

Anne and the rest of the girls were still asleep, it was very early at Hogwarts. There were still two hours left until the first morning classes. Lana had chosen to pursue an Auror career, just as Professor Hecat and Professor Weasley recommended, so this year for her NEWTS she had to get an "Extraordinary" in Potions, Herbology, Charms, Transfiguration and of course, Defense Against the Dark Arts. It was not difficult for her to pass those subjects, except for Potions and Herbology. Two closely linked subjects that required knowledge and precision. Only a lot of worries about Sebastian floated in Lana's heart, it was the only thing she had on her mind all week. And these days had been especially difficult for her, concentrating in class and doing assignments had become the worst of her nightmares. Luckily, that evening the celebration of the election of the Tournament champions was going to take place on the Great Hall. Maybe a distraction would be a great opportunity to let it all out.

She went down the staircase to the main hall of the Slytherin common room, which Lana thought it was empty but she immediatly saw Ominis looking outside the large windows that overlooked the Black Lake. She used to always see him like that, absorbed in his own thoughts. Lana wasn't the only one whose soul was broken into pieces. Their friend, their great friend, was out there as a dark wizard and wielding very dark magic that he had used against them. A pain that couldn't even begin to be described, there were no words to describe it. No matter how hard Ominis tried to stop Sebastian, deep down he always knew that he couldn't be stopped. He knew him better than anyone. Sebastian had always been very stubborn when it came to achieving complex goals. His desire to see his friend again faded when he saw what he had become. He almost would have preferred never to see him again. "Lana was right about turn him in", he thought painfully. Sebastian needed to learn that his actions have consequences but, on the other hand, he didn't learn anything at all... He choosed wrong once more.​

Lana decided not to bother Ominis and run to the Hospital wing to see Natty, who had been cared for by Madame Blainey for several days. Noreen Blainley was the Hogwarts healer; she had been treating less serious injuries such as growing and healing bones or a small open wound and other magical incidents to students for more than twenty years. Madame Blainley was a woman of medium height, very thin and with skin as white as snow. Her thick dark brown hair was always combed into a big bun so high that it seemed to stretch the skin on her face. She had always been a very warm person and concerned about the well-being of her patients, always willing to show a friendly smile. But also a very astute and upright person who did not allow anyone to tell her how to do the labor she was passionate for.

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