13. The Mine

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Note: NEXT CHAPTER - The First Trial


It was shinny morning, with a rare and bright sunlight against the windows of the castle towers but not a single lightning bolt reached the depths of the Slytherin common room. Lana was looking in the mirror on the basin near her bed, wishing that day was the day. The day that finally she will see another message from Sebastian. She wanted it so badly, she even accidentally created steam with the high concentration she managed to muster. Creating spells in her mind, wandless spells that were due to that longing in her heart. Maybe she it will give her academic success in exchange. Being so obsessed with something was going to give her some reward. Professor Hecat was pleasantly surprised when she was the first in the class to levitate the barrel full of heavy objects without a wand, like no one had been able to do before.

She aroused admiration and envy in equal parts.

The week went quite normal, pretty much like nothing was going on but Natty and Poppy were already settle in the next move. The next great adventure. Lana spent those days in silence, studying and doing the amount of Potions assignments that Profesor Sharp had commanded for the enter week. She felt like it was good for her have her mind occupied. It was the first time in so long that she prefered being in class rather than spend time with people around. Encountering herself between parchments, the smell of ink and books make her feel great. Certainly, the exquisite silence on her library study sessions made her calm all the bad thoughts she could ever had for many hours.

But the days passed, and she felt a little bit anxious and overwhelmed for what it was going to happen in no time. The little trip outside the Hogwarts grounds.

It was Saturday, which meant that she finally had a break or probably not...that tonight she had promised to meet Natty to go and explore the Mines full of goblins, poachers and Ashwinders next to Marunween Lake. Garreth had insisted that she shouldn't go, since the headmaster Black had made it very clear that in the name of the Ministry of Magic it was prohibited appearing or go anywhere other than Hogsmeade with the express authorization of the heads of each house. But Ominis, although he was against the idea of taking any risk, he finally gave in and chose to follow her wherever she goes. She almost seemed to have matched Sebastian's stubbornness and he wasn't to leave her alone in this. In the other hand, Anne made the choice to stay behind the Hogwarts walls. Even she used to like the action, the curse made her more cautious the she was before.

She putted her feet onto the ground, looking down, playing with her toes and with her head twisted to the side without thinking about anything. Silence again. She close her eyes. That night she had not slept more than two hours straight and she felt a strange energy growing inside. Excited like a little girl on Christmas eve, waiting... Always waiting... Willing to see him again...She thought that if she was lucky, he would be there. She probably let him try to kill her again if he wants to, if he needed to. That was the unique reason she would accompany her friends into a suicidal mission. Because who knows what to fate will be. Maybe she will convince him but... Who was she trying to fool, it was a complete madness.

No one in their right mind would go into a mine full of dark wizards to try to find someone who most likely wanted to end your life.

With the her empty gaze, dressed up with no expression on her face. One sleeve, then the other. She slid the fabric down her arms. The shirt, the house tie and then the cape. She climbed the stairs of the waterfall with small jumps upwards and came out through the great golden serpent door. Then up the crooked stairs and later across the hallways until she reached the Great Hall. She ate a large piece of bread with sausage and eggs, served along with a large glass of pumpkin juice. Her favorite.

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