12. Love between Potions

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Note: Another update!! Enjoy! :)



His arms surrounding her waist, Garreth didn't want to leave her side for a single moment. Their bodies still did not separate, and for a moment, Lana thought she would be out of breath. When she thought that was all there was to it, he continued it with great care and without losing the opportunity to caress her face with great delicacy. It was fervent but at the same time gentle, she felt like she could melt into him. She tried to say his name and stop him somehow, but without success. He kept kissing her, desperately, as if it were the last time he would have the chance to do so. Maybe, it was. 

Next, she grabbed his wavy hair at the nape of his neck and brought him even closer to her. She liked to feel his touch, the moisture of his mouth. If you can not beat your enemy, join him. Or that's what everybody used to say. Lana played along for a few more minutes, until Garreth finally separated slightly from her. The temperature had risen. An agonizing silence appeared, and the tension could be cut with a knife.

-I'm sick and tired of all this- Garreth sighted barely.

-Of what?- she wanted more, just for a few confusing seconds.

-Of being away from you... - he confessed without a doubt.

-Garreth, I...-he placed a finger over her lips, seductively.

-Don't say a word, I know what you're doing, what you've committed to... but I don't agree with anything of it, it's a total madness, bloody hell Lana...Please, let me...let me be beside you even if you don't want me to be...-  those words left her dumbfounded, she never thought she would hear Garreth make such statements.

-And I know what you're doing, but it's too difficult...and dangerous...I can't promise you anything, I can't even keep myself safe anymore- Lana felt bad seeing how hard he tried to please her, to get close to her in the most intimate way possible, but the shell she had built around herself was so strong that not even him could ever reach her heart.

-I'll do it, I will keep you save- his words sounded harsh, short and determined.

-No, you can't...- she tried to warn him, but Garreth looked at her as if she were a project to be done. Like a damaged object that needed to be repaired.

She could only think about the episodes of tremendous pain she had felt over the past few weeks since she cured Anne's curse and that she couldn't bear the simple idea of seeing someone she loves suffer. Therefore, if that pain got worse...she didn't want to lose sight of what she owed Sebastian. The red-head touched her face, his gaze showed a vulnerable expression. He was extremely nervous and he was so expectant to see how Lana was going to react.

-But...- Garreth knew when he had a losing battle, so he preferred not to insist, but not without showing a little resistance...

-I'm alone in this- after she said that, Lana placed her hand on his neck and kissed him again. Garreth couldn't resist it, he didn't except it either and reciprocated by kissing her back.

She put opened her mouth, thus their tongues ​​intertwined hopelessly. She loved him, maybe not in the way he longed for, but for her it was enough. They showed affection to each other, messing up their clothes and making the fabric loose. They couldn't stop smooching, like they were hooked.

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