Chapter 2: Acceptance Letter 2

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Jake pov:

I woke up at 6:00 a.m. to practice my music on my acoustic guitar. Usually, I never wake up this early. The only reason I was up at this time was because I was excited, ecstatic really.

Today was the day I'd find out whether I got into Blue Hill, an academy for amateur teen musicians.

I play the keyboard, guitar, and drums but my main priority is guitar, the acoustic guitar.

I always got lost in the music when I played. It was like I felt the music and the music felt me.

Blue Hill was a fancy school which means, instead of sending acceptance letters through email like we modern people do. They send them by mail.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

I stopped playing. Who could it be?

"Come in," I said to whoever was on the other side of the door.

The door opened and standing behind it with a large grin was Zeke, my goofy brother. He was the eldest of five siblings me being the middle child.

"Mornin'." He said as he entered my room. 

"Hey," I said. "Watcha' need?"

He walked up to my bed and sat on it. " Oh, I just wanted to tell you that breakfast is ready."

"What are we eating?" I asked. I really hoped it was something delicious. I was hungry.

"Just the usual," He responded. "Bacon, eggs, sausages."

He looked at me. "By the way how's the guitar playing going?"

" It's fine," I answered. "Just wanna be the best for Blue Hill you know."

Zeke gave me a confused look. "No, I don't know. I could never be as talented as you. I lack all of your amazing musical talent."

I laughed. " You're at the top of your class and studying to be a doctor, and you think I'm talented."

"I know you're talented." He said "And don't worry. If you don't get in, I'll walk right up to the school and beat up those who denied you the privilege! They'll be very sorry they didn't accept you!"

I chuckled. "Thanks Zeke and could we please refrain from beating people up?"

"No problem." He grinned. "And I'm just joking."

"Better safe than sorry."

"True," He agreed. "Imma head down, you can come when you're ready."

"K." I said. I was glad that I had people to back me up when I needed help. Even if they were annoying, embarrassing, stupid and... yeah, you get the point.

Zeke walked out of my room. That stupid grin still on his face.


I won't lie I smiled the same way. That smile runs in our family. It was infectious. You look at one of us having that smile and before you realize, you're smiling back. That smile made me very popular among people, friends, acquaintances, you name it.

Because I hadn't showered, brushed my teeth or basically cleaned up, I smelt disgusting, I looked disgusting and finally I felt disgusting. I walked into the restroom to get ready for a not so crappy day.




I sauntered down the stairs. The smell of eggs and bacon filled my nostrils. 

Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs I heard sounds of laughter. Typical breakfast in my family home.

At the dinner table sat my mother and my four siblings. My mom (she's the sweetest) got up to greet me.

"There's my little musician..." She said, cheerily. "How are you?"

My mother was a tall woman with dark brown hair and blue eyes just like mine. She spread open her arms to signify she wanted a hug and I happily obliged. 

"Hey mom," I said still hugging her. "I'm good."

"Sit, sit," she said, as she directed me to the dining table. " Your letter came in earlier today, but we didn't think it would be right to open it without you so, we waited for you. But be quick when you do open it. Sam's been dying to know whether you got accepted or not."

I looked over to see Sam sweating, her eye twitching. She was too impatient for her own good.

I pulled up a stool from under the table and sat down.

"Thanks, you guys for not opening my letter without me," I said. "Especially you Sam."

Sam gave me thumbs up. Now she was drumming her fingers on the table. She really was as curious as a cat.

My older sister, Heather, got up and handed me the envelope containing the letter. It was coloured blue and gold.

"You should be thanking me instead," Heather said. "I had the impossible task to keep the letter out of her clutches."

"Uh, Thanks Heather." I said as I fiddled with the letter. What if I didn't get accepted? What if I'd failed?

I guess Sam couldn't take the suspense anymore because she stood up and screamed...


I ripped the envelope open. My family's expectant eyes were on me. I could feel their stares. 

"I can't believe it." I said.

"WHAT, WHAT IS IT." exclaimed Sam who still looked mental.


As my family jubilated all around me, I knew I would never feel so happy in my entire life.





Hey guys.

 I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I spent at least 5 hours on it. Thanks for reading I'll try to publish more chapters in my free time.

Like I said in my previous chapter, thumbs up if u like, thumbs down if u don't like and heart if you really like.


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