Chapter 3: Shopping

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Eliza Pov:

I did not agree to this.

It's been two days since I received my acceptance letter from Blue Hill and Keith's already begun to bug me. I mean, can't a girl get a break?

It was my stupid brother's turn to shop for groceries but, he somehow found a way to persuade me (I still don't know how he did it) to do it. His excuse was "I have something very important to do."


I highly doubt that. I bet he's taking his "hot girlfriend" Mellisa out on a date or something. Brothers are so annoying. I can't believe I fell for "the I have something important to do trick." It's literally the oldest in the book.

I freaking had to walk to HalMart. I swore I would get Keith back, at least... one day.

As I approached the store, I grabbed a trolley from the parking lot out front.

Keith had given me a list of the items we needed, it read:






In our home, cupcakes, especially chocolate ones, were like our ambrosia and nectar. I love chocolate. It's not too sweet as well as not too not sweet.


Carrots were the first thing on the list so, I headed toward the vegetable aisle.

Just so we understand each other, I don't just pick any random batch of carrots. If you do that, how do you expect your food to be the best? You have to be careful. Size up every little detail until you're sure you've got the right ones.

After 20 minutes I got the perfect carrots. Next on the list was oranges.

Soon, I had gotten all the groceries except for one.... cupcakes. For this, I needed to go somewhere special.

I and Keith always got our cupcakes from a place called Sweet on America. A sweet shop that sold almost everything sweet.

I paid for my stuff, left HalMart and soon, I was on my way to my favourite sweets shop.




Upon entering Sweet on America, I smelt the scent of a million sweets wafting through the air.

It was Heaven.

At the counter stood a familiar woman. She waved at me, and I waved back.

"Hello, Mrs. Jackson," I said as I went up to the front counter. " How are you doing?"

"Oh, hello dear," she said, a warm smile on her face. "I'm doing well. Thank you for asking and for the millionth time call me Sally."

"I'm glad you're doing well Sally."

Sally Jackson

Physical proof that Sweet on America offered more that it's delicious treats.

She was the type of woman who could make people feel good just by walking into the room. Her long brown hair fell over her shoulders gracefully and her kaleidoscope like eyes seemed to sparkle and change colour in the light.

"You must be here for Keith's order. Where is he anyways?"

"Hanging out with his stupid girlfriend." I grumbled. "I mean, what the hell! I already have enough stress being accepted to Blue Hill and everything and now, he's sending me on freaking errands!"

Sally stared at me a wistful look in her eyes. " I never had siblings so I really can't relate to how you feel."

"Well, you're lucky." I pouted.

"What I'm trying to say is, your brother really cares for you. He might take advantage of you and use you to get rid of his chores-"

"You're really not helping."

"But give him a chance he's trying his best. I used to have no family except for my uncle, he died of cancer." Sally continued.

"Oh Sally-"

"But it's all fine now. I have an amazing husband and two even more amazing kids."

I looked Sally directly in the eye. She was too sweet. I couldn't say no to her. " Fine, I'll give him a chance because you said so."

"Thank you, Elizabeth." she said. " Welp, I'd better go get your order from the back."

Sally turned around to leave.

"Wait!" I exclaimed "Umm, before you go can I have a chocolate cupcake. I'd like to eat it here. I hope it's not a problem."

Sally smiled and grabbed a cupcake from behind her. "That's no problem at all."

She handed it over. I swear it smelt like heaven.

" Thanks Sally." I said.

"You're welcome." She replied. Then she whipped back around and headed into the back.

What a sweet woman.

I left the counter to find a place to sit, when a doofus who was not paying attention to where he was going crashed right into me.


Great. Now I had cupcake all over my clothes.

I was so angry, I wanted to punch something. What a terrible waste of chocolate. I was about to give this stranger a piece of my mind when I looked up to see a dark-skinned boy with brown hair and the most beautiful ocean blue eyes I've ever seen.





Hi guys.

Sorry for the utterly ridiculous short chapter. I was just so tired. I hope you enjoyed. If you read my previous chapter, you'll know what to do.


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