Chapter 9: Talks

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Keith Pov:

I sat down next to my sister on her bed. Her eyes were still red and puffy because of our little spat (Okay, it was a big spat but who's checking?)

Liza had draped a blanket over her shoulders to shield herself from the non-existing cold. I couldn't bear to see her like this, especially because I'd caused her current predicament.

I sighed.

After asking Elizabeth if we could talk, she'd nodded and let me into her room.

I sat on her bed, and she sat across from me.

And that's how we've been.

No talking, for the past twenty minutes (And yes, I was counting), both of us contemplating what we should say.

Finally, I decided to break the silence.

"Why do you hate Melissa so much?" I asked.

Liza glared at me, scowling so hard I thought her face would fall of.

I waited for a minute, but she didn't answer me.

" I know we talked about this outside," I said. " But... I need to hear your answer again."

Liza still kept quiet.

"Were you trying to protect me?" I inquired. "Or were you jealous?"

I, of course, already knew the answers to these questions but I wanted Eliza to answer me.

She continued to be quiet but shifted her weight ever so slightly.

I knew that was a yes but...

I wanted her to tell me the answer herself.

I stared at Eliza. It seemed like she didn't want to talk anymore. Like she couldn't open up to me.

"You know," I scooted closer to my sister. "You can talk to me."

"Liza's eyes were now transfixed to the floor. They seemed to water. As if, if she were to look at me, she would begin sobbing all over again.

I just wanted her to say something, anything that would show she was alright.

"No, I can't."

 Elizabeth hadn't talked this whole conversation (If you can really call it that), so I got caught off guard when she actually decided to open her mouth and utter words.


"No, you can't!" This time the answer came out as a shout.

Eliza's eyes bore into me. Her teeth were gritted, her fists clenched. A tear ran down her left cheek.


I made her cry.


Couldn't I make her laugh or smile for once?

"Liza are you-"

"No, I'm not Keith!" Eliza exclaimed. "Do I look okay to you?!"

I analyzed my sister. She was right, she wasn't okay. She looked tired and depressed and overall, very, very unhappy.

"Liza..." I said.

"What?" she breathed.

"May I suggest something?"

Liza glanced at me and gave me a tired nod.

I was scared that what I was about to suggest would make Liza very angry. So, I blurted out what I had to say.

"I think you should have therapy."

I cringed at my words. I closed my eyes and braced for the worst but all I heard was Liza's weary sigh.

"I think you might be right."

I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Really?" I asked.

Liza wrapped her arms around herself and nodded.

"Mom and Dad's death is literally eating into me," she said. "I need someone, someone who I can tell all my troubles and worries." -she paused- "It's just I miss the way dad would play his guitar when I was drifting off to sleep and how mom would tuck me in and sing along to the soft tune.... I wish it could be that way again."

I wrapped my arms around my sister as she leaned on me.

She was shivering, even after being wrapped up in a blanket. 

I had to comfort her...

No, I would comfort her.

"I wish it could be that way again too."

As Eliza drifted off to sleep in my arms, the weariness in her features disappearing.

I vowed I would do anything to make sure she got over the trauma of our mom and dad's death.





Hi guys! Wassup!😘😘

And before you start ranting about the really, really, really long break, I had...

Hear me out! 🤗🤗🤗

I was focusing on my other story, "Broken Roads," which I really think you should check out. 🤩🤩🤩

I'm really sorry if I made you wait. 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅

And I hope you can find the kindness in your heart to forgive me. 😥😥😥

If you liked this chapter or hated it (though I really doubt you would) you know the drill.


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I know this story is supposed to be about music...


I decided to start with all the music stuff in chapter 10. 😆😆😆

Which, you guessed it! 😊

Is the next chapter. 🤣🤣🤣

So, strap in and enjoy the show.

Or in this case story.

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