Chapter 5: Feelings

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Eve Pov:

"Okay, I'll go," said cupcake killer. "Just let me give you something."

I was curious now. I wanted to know what he was going to give me. I was too nosy for my own safety.

He had a smug look on his face. He knew he'd won; he'd gotten my attention.

I watched as he put his hand in his pocket and brought out a piece of paper. He scribbled down something on it.

What the hell was he doing?

He handed me the piece of paper. Written on it in delicate cursive was...

Jake Thane

(332) 333-4079

His phone number.

He gave me his freaking phone number! Who the heck did he think he was!? I hated arrogant people like him! Gallivanting around, with their ugly heads held high!


I raised my head to look at him. I wanted to give him a piece of my mind and smash his pretty face into the ground but, before I could, he had already left.


Very handsome, attractive, hot cupcake killer.

My face flushed.

What the freak was happening? Why was I blushing? I'd never felt this way before. I didn't understand. My heartbeat faster and my stomach felt like it was filled with a million tiny butterflies.

I slapped myself.

"Get a grip, Liza." I thought. "He's stupid and doesn't deserve you."

"You don't deserve him."

Huh. Stupid brain, sometimes it just won't leave me be.

I stared at the piece of paper one last time and slipped it into my pocket (Not that I needed it anyway).

"Jake," I said to no one in particular. "So that's cupcake killer's name.

I smirked.

Why was I smiling?

I gathered up the box of cupcakes and the groceries and headed back home.

Keith would be done with his date by now and I could go up to my room and forget about everything that happened today. I could take a shower and have a nice long nap. 


As I walked along the winding streets of New York, I knew I wouldn't get a good night's sleep because I would be thinking of him.

Jake Pov:

After dramatically walking away from Cupcake Girl, I decided to head back home.

It was 12:00 pm on the dot, and I couldn't be late for lunch. My mom would kill me.

Other than that. I kept thinking about Eliza. Her pout, her glare, the way her eyebrows furrowed when she was angry.

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