Chapter 7: The Girlfriend

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Eliza Pov:

I walked up to the front door and pulled out my keys. I held the handle; the door didn't seem to be locked. That must've meant Keith was home. I pushed open the door.

I was tired and just wanted to take a nap so, it annoyed me when I closed the door behind me and heard a familiar high-pitched over dramatic voice. 

"Eliza~," the voice said, excitedly.

And no. It wasn't Keith (Though it could have been). It was his girlfriend, Melissa. 



Not now.

I did not need this.

I did not want this.

I wanted to die.

"Melissa~," I said back, feigning excitement as I mimicked her high-pitched voice.

She ran over and hugged me.

Why was she hugging me?

I did not want her to hug me.


Get off me.

"What are you doing here?" I continued, trying not to seem too unpleased (Though I was).

"Oh," she said. "Keith and I were done with our date, so I thought I'd drop by."

Well, you shouldn't have.

I smiled a smile so fake I could smell the fake. "I am so glad you decided to come over, to my house, destroy my peace, and kill my hype."

"Glad too," Melissa said, smiling back.

Was she that dumb, or she just couldn't take a hint?

I looked to my left and saw Keith sitting on the couch, his legs propped up on the tabletop. He was drinking coffee. He seemed relaxed, which was annoying.

He caught me staring and smiled. "Hey sis," he said. "How was your day? Anything interesting happen?"

I thought back to the cupcake killer who you might call Jake. I was not ready to tell Keith about him. At least not now.

"Nothing interesting happened," I said as I walked up to him and sat down on the couch. I plopped the groceries unto the tabletop. " Except maybe visiting Sweet on America, it was Sally's shift. I also got some chocolate cupcakes."

I raised the box and held it above my head as if it was a heavenly treat (which it was). As I said, chocolate cupcakes were like our nectar and ambrosia.

"Sweet," said Keith, grinning. Then he pointed at my shirt. "By the way, what happened to your shirt?"

Uh oh.

I glanced down, looking at the chocolate frosting which had made a brown colored splotch on my turtleneck top. I had totally forgotten about that.

"I-uh," I mumbled.

"Never mind that," said Keith. " You'd better get that cleaned up. Wouldn't want it to st-"

Just then Melissa shrieked.

"Eeeekkk!" she squealed. "Is that poop on you. OMG I can't believe I hugged you. Gross!"

I smacked my forehead. I already knew this girl was a bimbo, but she was actually, naturally dumb.

She looked honestly terrified, horrified even.

I didn't even know what Keith saw in that girl. She was way out of his league. At least, in terms of smarts. Melissa was dumb as well as small-brained. No wonder she had Keith do her homework for her.

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