Chapter 6: Stories

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Jake Pov:

As I narrated the story of how I and Eliza met my family's looks varied from shock to awe then to amazement.

I couldn't tell what they were thinking, and it was killing me. I had never seen Zeke look so surprised before, it was nerve-racking.

".... And that's how I met cupcake girl," I said, concluding.

My family just stared at me. There was complete and utter silence. This would have been the perfect time to hear some crickets in the background. This lasted for about five minutes when Heather shot out of her seat.


We were all shocked by Heather's sudden outburst.

"Heather!" My mom exclaimed. "Compose yourself!"


My mom glared at her.

She raised both of her hands to show she was giving up. "Sheesh. I'm sorry Mom but, your very stupid son just blew his chance to be with an "extremely" hot girl."

 Again, a bombastic side eye was thrown Heather's way. That shut her up. 

"We can save this conversation for another day," said my mom. "Let's just enjoy dinner."

Usually when we ate, we talked about the events of our day. Both the good and the bad. There would be laughing and joking. Now the table was silent. It was as if my family was contemplating about how stupid I was and still are. I mean, can you blame 'em. Even my mom looked at me weird, she wasn't disappointed more like annoyed. 

Why were they reacting this way? 

My family just loved to butt into my love life, didn't they?

After dinner, all that remained on the table were dirty dishes and more dirty dishes. Privileges of having four siblings, you always have more to do than usual.

Heather ran up the stairs. She was mumbling something about too much homework. Why am I not surprised? It was like Heathers job to find ways and means of getting out of helping with chores. Typical.

My mom seemed really tired. Cooking for a family of six really took a toll on someone. Zeke told her to go get some rest.  She began hesitating but, Zeke told her that he'd got everything under control. He assured her that the rest of us could handle the mess.

While my mom thanked him, I began to pick up the dirty dishes that lay on the dinner table. My mom gave as all hugs and climbed up the stairs.

Once Zeke, Sam and Xavier were sure she was out of earshot they all turned to me concerned looks on their faces.

They were quiet for quite a few seconds, maybe contemplating what they were going to say to me. I just stood there...staring at them.

Sam was the first to speak.

"Jake," she said. "You okay, bro?"

Why was she asking this question?

I rose an eyebrow; I was clearly confused. "Of course, I'm okay," I said. " I mean, why wouldn't I be?"

My siblings gave each other worried glances.

What was their deal? I was totally fine.

Ever since I'd dated Emma, my family had been so overprotective of me. Especially when it came to my love life. 

After her I'd never thought I could love again. Love at first sight? Pfft, I mean... what kind of fairy of fairytale crap is that?

I walked over to the sink and dumped the dirty dishes into it. 

When I came back to the dinner table, Zeke, Sam and Xavier were speaking in hushed tones. As if they were hiding something from me...

I cleared my throat.

I think I might have startled them because a high-pitched squeak escaped Zeke's lips.

I folded my arms. " If you guys are gonna stand around and talk about me behind my back, you might as well leave."

They glanced at each other that worried look on their face again. Then they mumbled some apologies and helped me clear up.

What could they have been talking about?

After we had finished clearing up, I walked upstairs and into my bedroom. I needed to nap a little. 

I sat on the edge of my bed and stared at my guitar, the last thing my father gave me before he well...left us.

I sighed, falling back first onto my bed. 


As I lay on my bed, my mind began to wonder back to those bright blue eyes. So beautiful and determined yet so frightening and igniting.


I turned over in bed, wondering if I would meet her again. It seemed too good to be true. She was really angry at me, and I didn't have her phone number so it wasn't like I could call her. She had to call me first.

I sighed...again.

As I drifted off to sleep, I knew, that those eyes would be in my dreams.






Sorry I haven't posted in so long. I was lazy and had a bad case of writer's block (Ugh😭). I don't even know what I was doing in this chapter (Pls help me 😫). I've just gone on mid-terms and have been loaded with an excessive amount of homework (Why am I still alive? 😩). But I tried my best to publish something for you guys, seeing as I left you on a cliff hanger (Heh, Sorry 'bout that😅).

I'm so sorry again for not posting more frequently (I am so tired 🥱). I hope you guys can forgive me (GAHHHHHHHH🤬).

Well bye guys.

You know the drill...


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