chapter 1

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"y/n baby please remember if you need anything you need to go next door and ask, and if you feel scared or something go next door, I'll only be away for 4 months" my mom said as she kissed me bye and wiped my tears holding my face in her hands I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths allowing the air to full my lungs completely before they escape again

I did not want her to leave and I did not want to stay alone in this big house it is something I am not used to "baby go pack your bags, I'm asking our neighbours if you can stay with them till I get back" she whispered before leaving pink lipstick marks on my head I shifted my body before holding her arms and looking at her

"No mom they moved in a week ago" I said looking up at her feeling uncomfortable with this idea "I know baby but I already met them, they are nice people" my mom explained to me tucking my hair behind my ear causing me to smile she always goes out to meet new neighbours making sure they are not involved in bad business

"Your nosey mom" I said smiling at her and looking at the ground"that's the smile I'll be missing, baby go pack your bags now" she said before slightly pushing me towards the stairs I walked upstairs I packed enough clothes for a week I'll just come home and do my washing, I walked down to my mother and we went next door to our new Nabours.

The awful noise from someone knocking on a wooden door filled my ears as my mom slammed the door. My breathing got heavier but she seems calm you always admired her calmness "Hello miss park is it okay if my daughter stays with you for 4 months I'm going on a business trip and she is scared to be on her own" my mom explained to the neighbour and soon I cut out most of their conversation thinking about school

"Of course come here sweetheart" she said opening her arms pulling me from my never ending stressful thoughts I walked in and gave her a quick hug before I said good bye to my mom

"Are you in school?" She asked me as we walked into the living room your eyes scanning their house observing everything around you "yes mam I'm in Seoul university" I explained to her before diverting my attention back to her with a soft smile curling my lips "so is my son he is starting today" she explained full of excitement you slowly nodded to her not sure how to respond

"Sweety you don't have to go to class today" she said hugging me again her sent invading my scenes but I gladly accepted it as she smelled like strawberries "no mam I have to I am the class model and we have painting to do today" I explained before breaking the hug and walking over to the door to leave for school

"Well enjoy school sweety I'll unpack your things for you" she said as she waved at me I smiled and went to school

"Y/n you'll never believe this" my best friend said running up to me she knows I hate it when she acts this way

"What?" I asked her annoyed slamming my locker close she looked at me with big soft eyes "we have a new transfer" she said exiting "so?" I asked her not really interested in that

"Well he is hot" she said with dreamy eyes and I felt the need to slap her she falls way to easy for guys and it always ends badly "so?" I asked again feeling my frustration growing "y/n you'll have another hot guy all over you" she said this time stars in her eyes

"Lilly, how often should I tell you" I started but she cuts me off "not to fall in love because it can and will hurt you but not everyone is you y/n not everyone can actually turn it off" she said annoyed and I smiled at her proudly because for once she actually listened to me

The bell rang for first period and I put my head sets on I walked int class before folding my arms and resting it on the table to make a cushion for my head on the wooden bench I'm not in the mood to talk much today. I felt someone pocking my arm I ignored it knowing they'll go any time soon but they didn't and the pocking got more and more

"What?" I said loud and looked up I saw a handsome face Infront of me smiling he has blond hair and full lips with the cutest cheeks ever I looked away immediately feeling a bit shy

"Sorry about that Jimin she does not have any manners" miss bell said and I rolled my eyes at her comment "it's okay mam, I'll teach her some" Jimin said and I felt my cheeks getting warm I laid back down and closed my eyes after I took my headphones off

"This is going to be fun" he said sitting back in his chair I slapped myself mentally what is wrong with you? Did you really just get shy? Guys feels this way about you not the other way around idiot I thought to myself

"Y/n I know your bussy but do your part now" I heard miss bell yell at me I looked at her and got up to go to the front of the class to model for a stupid drawing

I only had one class today after class I went to put my books in my locker I opened my locker and placed my books in

"I don't know what's going on with her to be honest, she never acts this way" I heard Lilly behind my locker door talking like there is someone else "what do you mean Lilly and please stop talking like there is a 3rd person here" I said closing my locker when I saw her standing with Jimin

I froze and stoped breathing I tried to open my locker door again but my hands were shaking so I got the code wrong a few times

"Like this" Lilly said again and I finnaly got my locker open I grabbed a random book and closed my locker again

"What are you doing?" I heard Lilly ask and I looked at her with wide eyes I need t get out of here now "I have class" I answered and walked away "no you don't" she said stopping me Jimin was just standing there looking at us with a smirk on his face

"We have the same schedule y/n" she said looking at me with her eyebrows squint "I took extra classes" I lied to her and she rolled her eyes "yeah what?" She asked and I froze again

"Uh french" I said stuttering and Jimin walked over to us "why would you take a English book to a French class?" He asked taking the book from me I looked away

"Uh I need to go" I said and walked away I walked to my neighbors house and knocked before I went in

Mrs Park opened the door "oh sweety you don't have to knock before coming in" she said as I walked in I gave her a soft smile and went up t my room

"Oh yes my son will be home later today he is out with his friends, you can meet him at dinner time" she said as I walked up the stairs to my room

AHH I still have my English book what am I even doing I never act this way I thought to myself as I fell on the bed


* thanks for reading shy

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