chapter 11

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After diner I helped cleaned up a bit Jimin and Lilly went to his room I guess they are dating now I saw Jimin holding her hand when she chocked if they are not dating yet they sure will make it official

I took my headphones and listen to some music just to keep myself busy Mrs Park said if she catches me study she will burn all of my books and that is not a risk I want to take

Well maybe I should see if one of the guys is available to go do something then I'll make sure I'm home before 12 I took my phone and messaged Jin

'Do you want to go do something?'.   -y/n

'just the two of us?'.    -Jin

'i don't know but I need to get out of here I'm bored'.     -y/n

'spend time with Jimin'.     -Jin

'his girlfriend is here'.    -y/n

'Okay I'm coming we can go to the amusement park'.    -Jin

I got ready and went downstairs "mom dad I'm leaving I'll be back before 12 I promise" I said as I opened the door they looked at me shocked "where are you going?" Mrs Park asked me "oh me and one of Jimin's friends are going to the amusement park" I said exited and they smiled at me

"Uh no your not" Jimin said walking out of the living room I looked at him confused and saw Lilly coming out as well "why not?" I asked him

"Their my friends get your own" he mumbled rolling his eyes okay this is weird I didn't think it would make him mad if I went out with his friends

"Jimin.... Never mind" I said walking out of the door "y/n I'm serious your not going out with them" he yelled at me and I looked at him taking my phone out and calling Jin

"Hey change of plans I want to be alone tonight but thanks for wanting to hang out" I said looking at Jimin "are you okay? Jimin has a problem doesn't he" Jin asked through the phone "jip" is all I said back "okay then bye" he said and I ended the call I turned around to walk away

I decided to take a stroll then since I'm not allowed to do anything else after a while I heard my phone ring I took it out and saw it was Jimin's mom

"Yes mom" I said answering the phone "sweety are you okay?" She asked me "yeah I'm okay" I said knowing I was lying but I can't blame anyone else but me he told me for 2 months that I had to tell him I wanted him to kiss me and I chickened out I couldn't because he made me nervous when he was around me

"Come home it's already 1am we decided to let you stay out a little longer" she said and I smiled at myself they are so understanding about everything my mom would of scolded me and beat the living shit out of me if she found out a guy made me nervous and here is 2 people that knows I'm head over heels in love with their son he just got a girlfriend and they feel the need to give me some space I wish my mom was like this

I thought to myself as I walked home... But no my mom would beat the living shit out of me and force me to study for a job I'll never be able to get because she believes the only thing that can help you in live is to study she and my dad deforced and she went through hell because of it

But since then she is been telling me how worthless guys are and that they are only good to break your heart they only want sex from you and books can't hurt you I believed her until I met Jimin everything started to change I felt stuff I never felt before

I did stuff I never did before and I saw how happy his mom and dad are my mom honestly poisoned my brain to believe happiness does not exist

I stopped Infront of the big brown doors of the house and sigh maybe I should watch TV or I could just listen to music with my head sets on or something I'm sure I can do something or better yet I'm going to sleep

I thought to myself as I walked into the house I stopped and looked in to the living room and saw Jimin invited the rest of the guys over they were watching a movie and Lilly was asleep in Jimin's arms okay movie is out I thought to myself and walked away I walked into the kitchen and saw Mrs Park preparing some snacks

"I'm home" I said helping her with the snacks she gave me a soft smile "I'm sorry I was a bit out of it I wasn't looking at the time" I said and got the juice out of the fridge

"I understand sweetheart I know it hurts that's why I told them to leave you alone" she said pulling me into a hug "how did you know mom?" I asked hugging her back

"Well you normally go out with Jimin and Lilly after school but today you decided to come home and move your stuff, when I asked you about it I saw tears forming in your eyes, that's when I knew you were sad but I knew you liked him from the day you guys went to the beach the first time, he was the only one allowed to touch you, you always look away when he walks into the same room as you if you notice him staring at you, you blush and you always smiled around him, now you can't even talk to him" she said breaking the hug

I helped her take the snacks and stuff to the boys before going up to my room "mom can I lock my door?" I asked turning to her she nodded her head yes "just promise me you won't study?" She said with a soft smile "I promise" I said giggling and went into my room and locked the door


* thanks for reading shy

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