chapter 17

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Yoongi looked at me raising a brow

"Every thing okay?" Jimin asked and I looked at him "perfect" I said sarcastically before finishing the dishes "I'll dry" Yoongi said grabbing a cloth

"No, I'll do it myself, go spend some time with your friends" I snapped at him and he rolled his eyes "your are my friend" he said sarcastically

I'm going to kill this idiot what is his problem with me "are you sure?" Jimin asked looking at us "yeah" I mumbled I'm not staying here today I need to get away from here

I washed the rest of the dishes "will you be fine drying alone?" I asked looking at Yoongi he nodded and I walked out I grabbed my phone from Jimin's room

"Why are you in here?" I heard Lilly I really don't have time for this now "grabbing my phone" I said and walked to the door but she blocked me now what

"I think you need to go back to your own house, you can't live with my boyfriend" she said and I looked at her with a blank expression at this rate I really don't mind moving back into my own house

"Why? Don't you trust me?" I asked her "why would I? You always tell me not to fall in love and I should never date someone and yet you sleep in my boyfriend's bed with him, you really think I can't see your in love with him? How do you expect me to trust you? Your just a slut" She yelled at me

"Get out of my house" I heard someone yell before I could answer I looked up and saw it was Jimin's mom oh god what do I do now

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it mam" Lilly said and I just looked at them "I said get out" Jimin's mom yelled again she looked very angry I've never heard her yell like this before

"What's going on mom?" Jimin asked approaching us "Jimin get your girlfriend out if my house she is not welcome here" Jimin's mom said looking at him then me wait was she talking about me?

"What happened mom?" Jimin asked again standing behind me I took a step away from him but he pulled me back god Jimin your making this worse

"You girlfriend just called y/n a slut for being in your room" his mom said smiling at me "you were in my room?" He asked me almost whispering "uh yeah I wanted my phone it was on your bed" I explained and he nodded

"Why would you call her that?" Jimin asked Lilly "you are friends for years and this is how you treat her? You call her a slut but your the one sleeping with Jungkook" he said in a calm voice pulling me closer to him

"Well I" she started "just go, don't come back were over" Jimin said and my eyes widen Lilly walked away "are you okay?" Mrs Park asked me and I nodded "why did you break up with her?" I asked turning to Jimin he snaked his arms around my waist "babe you should know your my first priority" he said in a soft voice and smiled

"Why would you do that y/n?" I heard Yoongi yell at me I turned to face him "do what?" I asked him unsure what I did this time "you actually made them break up, don't you think you went to far? She is your friend for god sake" he said walking up to me

"She is not the reason I am" I heard Mrs Park defended me and I took a step closer to Yoongi "she yelled at y/n for no reason and called her a slut, yes I agree that's a good friend because friends calls each other sluts" Mrs Park finished

Yoongi looked at me and rolled his eyes "you really lied to them?" Yoongi asked and I kept quiet Jimin pulled me into him "Yoongi watch your mouth" Jimin warned him and I felt bad I didn't want him to fight with his friends

"Yoongi I didn't Jimin's mom saw everything" I explained and he looked at Mrs Park who is just nodding her head "sorry y/n it's just she told me a different story" he explained and looked down

"It's okay, don't worry" I said with a soft smile he looked up at me "and for earlier today as well" and I nodded at him I'm not angry at him I know she has a way of convincing people stupid shit

"Guys we need to get some rest" Jimin said pulling me into the room and closed the door "are you okay babe?" He asked cupping my cheeks I smiled at him "yeah I'm okay" I said and he pulled me onto his bed


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