chapter 5

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"your mom really scares you?" Jimin asked playing with my hair "I won't call it scared" I explained opening my eyes I saw the rest of the guys were asleep and so was Lilly

"What would you call it then?" He asked me and I turned on my tummy to look at him "strict" I said with a small smile he looked at me and rolled his eyes

"No my parents are strict" he said looking at me "not really your parents is laid back" I whispered to him so I don't wake the rest up

"No if I don't call them telling them where I am or that I might be late I'm grounded" he said letting his head fall back

"Yet you are allowed to stay out till 12, have sleepovers with girls, sleep on the same couches as girls, you only have to wake up an hour before your first class to get ready for class and your not forced to study" I explained resting my chin on his chest

"What is your mom like, you said she was Strick so how strict is she" Jimin asked and I closed my eyes

"Well I have to wake up 2 hours before my first class and be at college an hours before it starts, then I have to go home no detours when I get home I need to go to my room and study my mom will bring my lunch up then I can eat and continue studying until supper then I have to go down eat go back to my room shower and continue studying till 9 then only am I allowed to get into bed, I'm not allowed to have friends my mom doesn't know about Lilly I'm not allowed to have a boyfriend or a social life" I explained opening my eyes he raised an eyebrow at me

"What happens if you disobey her?" He asked still looking at me "I don't disobey her I always listen but before I did she used to hit me" I explained and he lets out a sigh I smiled at his reaction

"It's not that bad you know" I said and he lifted his head "really, how's that?" He asked sarcastically and I giggled "you get used to it" I said still staring at him "yeah I guess you would if your a robot" he said rolling his eyes and I smiled at him

"You know what?" He asked me "uh what?" I asked confused, "this is the longest you've ever looked at me" he said smiling I hid my face in his chest and he hugged me "I like it when you look at me" he whispered under his breath and I smiled into his chest

"I also like you smiling you look beautiful when you smile" he said and my smile grew more why is he making me feel this way my mom is going to kill me if she has to find out about this

"Jimin I don't think this is a good idea" I said standing up quietly he looked at me confused "why?" He asked and I looked at the ground "if my mom-" I tried but he cuts me off "your mom isn't here, she is gone for four months" he said and I looked at the floor "yeah she comes back after 4 months I can't hide stuff from her if she has to find out we slept on the same couch she will beat me and she is not normal she grabs anything and starts to hit me" I explained and he gave me a weak smile

"Okay let me take you to your room then" he said and got up we walked to my room "why don't you look at me? Every one looks at me but you don't" he asked and I froze

"Uhmm im not allowed to" I said that was the only thing I could think of. "Who told you your not allowed to look at me" he said taking my hand in his and I felt butterflies

"It's not just you I'm not allowed to look at any guy" I said looking at our hands "you still do" he said lifting my chin to face him

"Let's make a deal, I show you how to live like a normal person for the rest of the 4 months and then you show me how to live like a robot for 4 months" he said with a smile

"What do you mean?" I asked him looking at our hands again "I'll take you on dates and take you out we will have fun and stay out till 12 we will have sleep overs and fun stuff and then I'll live like you only studying" he explained and I looked at him

It didn't sound like a bad idea but I don't think it is a good one either "just trust me" he whispered and I nodded

"Perfect" he said walking over to my bed and getting in the compharter "what are you doing?" I asked him unsure

"Well we are having our first sleepover the guys snore loud and I don't want to be alone tonight" he said opening my side of the bed "won't your parents freak out if they see us?" I asked him shocked

"No princess they know I can control myself and my urges" he said and pattet the bed "are you sure I don't want to get you in trouble" I asked half unsure

"Yes just come to bed" he said with a soft smile I got into bed and soon drifted to sleep


*thanks for reading shy JIMINXREADER

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