chapter 10

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Two months past and Jimin and I got close like really close we haven't kissed yet I've been trying to get him to kiss me but he won't unless I ask him too and I can't

"Y/n guess what?" I heard Lilly and I turned to her smiling "Jimin kissed me" she almost yelled and I lost my smile he did what? Why? How? When?

I turned back to my locker and grabbed my books for my next class Lilly's classes ended I had to take a few more classes since I've been living like a normal person I'm scared I might not do as well as I always did

"I'm going to ask him out" she said clapping her hands like a child and I chocked on my Sylvia "are you okay?" She asked a bit concerned placing her hand on my back after removing some hair from my face

"Y-y-yeah I'm fine I need to go" I said and walked off phh now what do I do I can't be in love with someone that only sees me as a friend my room at his house was fixed 3 days ago I think I'll move back in there

I know Mrs Park won't allow me to move back to my own home yet she made it clear a few times and I honestly don't want to argue with her about it she has been so supportive to me I dont want to upset her just because I grew feelings for  Jimin

After extra math class my teacher called me over "y/n why are you taking extra classes? You are more advanced than every person in the class" he said and I looked down at the black tiled floor before speaking

"I need a distraction" I mumbled at him "are you okay living without your mom should I phone her?" He asked and I looked up at him

"No I am okay sir it's a bit difficult because I miss her but I'm doing okay" I said with a smile before I walked away

"Your back early I thought you and Jimin went out again" I heard his mom say "oh no I think he and Lilly has plans today I need to study so I came home" I said with a smile before walking up to our rooms

I walked into Jimin's room to get all my stuff back to my room after 30 minutes I fell on my bed "thank god that was a hassle" I mumbled "you okay?" I heard Mrs Park ask me I sat up "yes I'm okay" I answered her with a smile

"Are you and Jimin fighting?" She asked me looking a bit concerned should I tell her why I moved back to my room will it get Jimin in some sort of trouble I don't think so his parents are laid back but I dont know how they feel about him dating

"No we are not fighting but I think he likes Lilly and I know she likes him she told me today so as a friend I'm backing up a bit" I said with a smile and she nodded her head looking a bit disappointed

"You are a amazing friend sweetheart" she said with a soft smile before walking away I laid back down and fell asleep

I woke up hearing someone talking in my room I kept my eyes close to try and listen who it is but the talking stopped I sat up and didn't see anyone I think I'm going crazy

"Y/n baby it is time for dinner" Mr Park said as he stopped in front of my door I looked at him smiling "thanks sir" I said with a smile he leaned against the door "I see you are slowly turning into a normal kid" he said pointing at my messy room and I giggled "come Jimin is bringing a friend over tonight" he said as I got up

"So normal kids these days sleeps all day, don't study as they should they have messy rooms they stay out till god knows what time?" I asked Mr Park as we walked down the stairs and he laughed "pretty much yes" he answered and I giggled

"Don't forget that normal kids also acts like brats when you say no to them" he added and I nodded "surely noted thanks for the tip" I said shaking his hand

"Stop calling me Mr Park and call me dad your part of our family" he said as we walked into the dining room I never knew my dad he and my mom divorced when I was still small I looked at him "dad" I said and he smiled "that's my girl" he said giving me a hug

"What about me then I'm your second mom" Mrs Park said to me crossings her arms "now that wouldn't make sense would it?" I asked giggling Jimin's mom looked at me confused "because you are my first mom" I said and she pulled me in for a hug

"No sweety your real mom is your first mom" she explained and I smiled "no she is just my programmer and besides it would be weird if Mr Park is my first dad and your my second mom don't you think" I asked laughing

"Guys were home" Jimin said walking in with Lilly he saw his mom hugging me and he smiled "Lilly" I said as she looked at me confused I hugged her "you rarely hug your mom why do you hug his parents?" She whispered into my ear as we hugged "it's a long story I'll tell you after diner" I whispered back

"No secrets" Jimin whined looking at us we broke the hug and went to sit down "oh yes sweety your math teacher called me he is a bit concerned about you" Mrs Park said and I looked at Jimin knowing it can't be me she is talking to

Jimin looks at me with wide eyes "what did you do?" He asked and I looked at his mother she was looking at me "oh me?" I asked and she smiled while nodding her head "why is he concerned I've been taking extra classes I'm not behind" I mumbled looking at my plate

"That's why he is concerned you already know stuff of math that you only learn in the last year of college" she explained looking concerned

"Mom all my subjects is like that I've been studying for my end exam for 4 years now, I rarely focus in class because I know everything they are talking about" I explained and Lilly choked Jimin looked at me shocked

"What?" Jimin asked me a bit frustrated I shrugged "my mom is preparing me for my future" I explained and looked at Lilly "are you okay?" I asked her and she nodded


*thanks for reading shy

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