chapter 13

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"y/n you really need some sleep" Jimin said laughing it looked like he hasn't been sleeping either

"Okay so babe y/n mom programmed her she is not a real mom and you can't give someone like her mom any affection" Jimin explained and I looked at my plate he just called her babe

"Okay guys I hate doing this but Jimin and y/n had a fight yesterday day so after you guys are finished eating I need you to leave so I can force them to make nice again" Jimin's mom said and we both looked at her with wide eyes

"We didn't fight" I said a bit confused "yes that's why the two of you slept peacefully" Jimin's dad said and we all went quiet

After brunch everyone left and I went to my room and laid down when I heard someone knocking I looked at the door and saw Jimin

"Yeah" I said laying back down again "my mom said we have to sleep together" he said and I looked at him unsure

"No you have a girlfriend sleep in your own bed Jimin" I whined closing my eyes I wasn't planning on sleeping with my best friends boyfriend that's just wrong I heard him sigh and walking away

I tried to sleep but I couldn't I ended up just rolling around until I was called to have dinner at this rate I want to die I'm so tired

I sat down at the dinner table and heard Mrs Park sigh "you two still haven't made up, I was sure if you slept in the same bed you would've been okay" she said I looked at her

"We didn't sleep in the same bed, Wel I don't know about him but I can't seem to fall asleep" I said holding my head up with my hands "I also didn't sleep, I couldn't fall asleep" Jimin said and it went quiet we had supper

"Okay so after diner I don't want any excuses the two of you will go into Jimin's room and I will lock the door and only unlock it tomorrow morning" Mr Park said and I just nodded my head I'll sleep on the floor or something I can't argue now I'm tired

"And no y/n not on floor you'll sleep in the same bed" he finished and I just sigh I saw Jimin looking at me he looked sad I just finished my supper and went straight to Jimin's room falling on his bed

After a few minutes Jimin came in and fell on his bed next to me we both staired at the ceiling for a few minutes when I heard the door open I sat up not feeling so tired anymore

"I'm locking now, I'll see you tomorrow morning" Mr Park said and I nodded "why it's only 6 dad" Jimin said and I looked at him he also didn't look that tired

He is right why would he lock us in this early "well it gives you some time to talk" his dad said and I laid back down crossing my arms I don't have anything to say to Jimin anyways

"Are you being a little brat about it?" I heard him ask and I looked at him "didn't you say normal kids often act like brats?" I asked smiling and he laughed before locking the door I sigh and fell back on the bed

"They'll back off don't worry" Jimin whispered and I didn't answer him back "are you mad at me?" Jimin asked a bit louder "no why would I be" I answered him by whispering

"You've been avoiding me, again like you did when we just met" he whispered turning to me I took a deep breath I know I've been avoiding him but it's hard being around him

"I'm not" I whispered and my voice broke "you are, and you know it" he said sitting up I kept on staring at the ceiling
"Yeah" I heard Jimin say and I looked at him seeing he is on the phone I closed my eyes "sorry babe I can't I'm being locked in my room with y/n, my parents is insisting we sleep together so we can get some sleep in, we can't seem to sleep without each other" he said and I looked at him shocked covering my mouth

"Okay bye" he said and placed his phone on his bed table "why would you tell her that" I asked him still looking at him "did you want me to lie about it?" He asked laying down closing his eyes

"No" I whispered "then why did you ask, and why do you even care?" He asked and I laid back down turning my back to him

Everything went quiet I still couldn't sleep I guess their way of trying to get us to sleep isn't working I took my phone and went onto my Instagram I saw Lilly posted a bunch of photos of her and Jimin together

He doesn't look happy maybe I'm imagining it but he really doesn't look happy I went to my gallery and went through the photos

I also have a bunch of us where we are out and photos his mom or dad took of us sleeping or watching a movie together and some photos of us doing silly things I stopped at a photo where we were laying in bed

I had my back to him but I was against him his arms around me and he smiled into my neck he was sleeping believe it or not the both of us were his mom took the photo

I stared at the photo for a few seconds when I felt Jimin moving I locked my phone "you okay?" He asked softly I nodded "then why are you crying?" He asked and I felt my cheeks is wet shit I thought to myself and got up to go to the bathroom why did I start crying what's wrong with me it's just photos


* thanks for reading shy

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