chapter 15

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I didn't take my eyes off him I was observing his face looking for any expression whatsoever but it was blank he looked at me and I could see he was thinking of something he threw my phone on his bed and took his

He set it up on the camera stand I guess he wants to show her he is loyal not like she is he looked at me again and I saw he was debating something with himself he liked his lips looking at me why did he do that

"Y/n" he said and stopped "nevermind" he said and pulled me onto his bed "you okay?" I asked and he pulled me onto his lap "shh" he whispered touching my lips and my eyes widen is he planning on doing what I think he wants to do?

He pressed something on his phone before cupping my cheeks and stopping a few inches away from my lips my eyes widen and I just stared at him he smiled at me when his phone made a sound

"You drive me crazy" he said laying his head onto mine I couldn't talk he kissed my head and I got off him "why did you?" I started but decided not to ask him

"I needed a photo of your reaction when I do that, it drives me crazy, don't worry I won't post it" he said laying back "I'm not Lilly" he mumbled looking at the ceiling

I feel bad that he saw the photos he doesn't deserve this I looked at him he probably needs someone to comfort him now I know I would it won't cause trouble I guess

"Can I see it?" I asked sitting on his lap he looked at me and gave me a soft smile before handing me this phone I unlocked his screen and saw his screen saver is a photo of us in a coffee shop I smiled and went to his gallery

I looked at the photo and I felt my heart melting I smiled at his phone and felt his hands running over my legs and my smile grew I miss his touch so much

I went through the rest of his gallery and saw he only had 6 photos of him and Lilly and the rest was of us I smiled and compared the photos he definitely looks happier with me in the photos

"Babe" he said and I looked at him I feel bad for what Lilly is doing to him "I'm sorry" I whispered and he rolled his eyes before pulling me down onto him

"What did you do?" He asked kissing my neck softly "L-L-Lilly" I stuttered and he smiled into my neck "did you tell her to?" He asked kissing me again at this rate I feel like I'm going to go crazy "no" I whispered and pushed myself to sit up again

I couldn't breath he kissed my neck before but never this much and never this way either I stared at his lips debating with myself if it would be a good idea to kiss him or not he has a girlfriend but she is cheating on him with his friend

"What are you thinking about?" He asked sitting up and stopping a few inches from my lips I looked at his eyes "I really want to kiss you Jimin" I thought to myself and I saw him smile I looked at him confused

"Another thought escaped your lips babe" Jimin said moving a bit closer to me and my eyes widen fuck why does that happen

I snaked my arms around his neck and saw him lickings his lips he cupped my cheeks and pulled me in completely our lips slammed against eachother and I didn't hesitate to kiss him back

I saw sparks everywhere and for a moment I actually forgot he was in a relationship he smiled into the kiss as I pulled him closer to me that drove me crazy he broke the kiss and looked at me smiling

"If I knew Lilly had to cheat on me for you to kiss me I would off dated her from the day I met you" he said with a small smile and kissing my forehead

"I'm sorry I wasn't thinking" I said feeling bad for kissing him when he just found out his girlfriend cheated on him "babe what's wrong?" He asked and I looked up at him "I shouldn't have done that" I said looking down again

"You just found out your girlfriend is cheating on you just for her best friend to kiss you" I said and heard him giggle

"Babe stop feeling bad, I enjoyed it" he said and I felt my cheeks going red "I would love a round two" he said again and I giggled before getting off him

I walked to the bed I made on the floor but Jimin grabbed my hand and pulled me onto his bed "please stay with me" he whispered and I nodded

He pulled me Into him and before I knew it I was sound asleep.


*thanks for reading shy

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