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Minji pov

I've never wanted to be a burden to anyone, I was a lively person and accident happened, I never ask for anything from anyone, I even heard my siblings calling me names behind my back, and my parents having trouble to provide a proper care to me, so when they ask me to get married I didn't questioned and signed the papers because I thought at least, my future husband would love me but that never happened,

Now it's been two years since I married Hanni, who proved her words, and made me live a miserable life, in this two years I've been nothing but a punching bag to her, I'm a dog to her that waits for her master to come home and commands her things to do, there's not an ounce of mercy in her eyes,

"Minji" she yelled, I wheeled myself into the hall and saw her ready to leave for work,

She's the CEO in her father company, and had been doing very well in the company,

"Why haven't you cooked my breakfast yet" she asked and I quickly served what I made, she set at the head of the table, but as soon as she saw that it was vegetables she throw the plate on the floor and it shattered in pieces,

"Once, just once can't you do anything right, you know I don't like this kind of shit but you just have to ruin my mood for your own sick pleasures" she then throw my plate as well, and it shattered as well,

"Don't you dare touch any food in the house, starve until I come home" with that she left while mumbling something, I hold my tears in, because I don't want to cry,

I wheeled myself to the store room and come back with a broom and dustpan, I slowly collect the shattered glass in the dustpan and throw it in the dustbin,

I decided I will cook proper dinner for her, I will start early to cook and I'm sure this time she won't yell at me,


I called Hanni again and again but she didn't pick up, I still made dinner for her and wait for her to come home, to be honest I haven't eaten anything too,

I decided to call her one last time and surprisingly she picked up, but then I heard something which make my heart shattered into pieces,

On the other line a girl was moaning Hannis name and Hanni was moaning the girls name which was something like Yujin, I quickly disconnected and cried, I cried for hours at the dinner table, but there was still no Hanni, I lose my appetite and wheeled inside my room which is besides the hall, after a while I heard the front door open,

But she didn't call me or anything, I slowly open the door and saw her stumbling upstairs in her drunk state, I sigh and went to sleep, but then I heard my name being called, I wheeled out and saw her standing in the hall,

"Can you tell me why did you cook this much food" I was terrified by her low voice but I nodded,

"I....I...c...cook...cooked...it.ff...ffor......you" I said but she give me an sarcastic smile,

"Since I have already eaten, it's time for you to take responsibility and finish this food" I was scared but she pushed my wheelchair to the

dining table and open lids of containers,

"Start to eat and I want it finished" I shook my head and try to wheel back but Hanni glare at me, I had no choice but to eat,

After one full plate I give up because I couldn't eat anymore but as soon as I said no, I was met with a hard slap that landed on my right cheek,

"Is your father's going to pay me money for this waste of food, you don't work, you sit on this wheelchair all day, you waste money and food and you think I want to do anything with that useless ass of yours" she yelled again and again the food was thrown in the dust been, and I set there feeling dizzy, "Go and do the dishes, come on go, do the dishes" I shook my head it's cold and 3 in the morning, I gets sick quickly and if I get sick, who's going to cook and do laundry,

"Did you just shook your head at me, how dare you" I was pushed off of the wheelchair and I hurt my elbow but Hanni held my hair in a fist and I was slapped by her again and again,

"Hanni please let me go, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to waste anything, I just wanted to cook something good for you since you left without eating anything but trust me I didn't mean to waste anything" I begged but she didn't listen instead the bitting gotten worse, now she use belt, then she left me unconscious, and I cried my heart out,

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