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Hanni's pov

"Buzzz buzzzz buzzz buzzz buzzz" I was woken up by my alarm clock, it was 7 in the morning, but there was something missing, I looked around in my bedroom just to realize Minji wasn't here anymore,

"Minji" I called out but didn't hear anything

back, I got of the bed and looked into the bathroom but nobody was there, in other rooms and even in her room, but still she wasn't there, for some reason I wasn't feeling good about this, as I went in the kitchen I saw, my maid and no Minji,

"Where's Minji" I ask her, but to my surprise she sigh and shook her head,

"I don't know Ms. Pham when I was entering the house I saw Mrs. Pham going somewhere with a girl, they drove away before I could ask her anything" her words made me confused, she doesn't have phone and there's no way she called her friend to take her away, that can't be true, I called my man's,

"I want her home, I don't care where she is or whoever she's with, I want my wife home" I was yelling on the phone, and I didn't saw Yujin coming in from the front door,

"baby who are you yelling at early in the morning" i turn looking at her and saw her wearing the smallest clothes ever, "What are you doing in my house" I ask her right away, she looked confused but then looked around and ignored my words,

"So where's your toy that got you stressed early in the morning" I stood there stunned at her words, but what can I say, I was the one who let them treat my wife like a shit, it was me who actually didn't realize how terrible my choices in choosing partners is,

This is Yujin I choose for myself, who can't cook can't clean, can't talk to people properly, always taunt others, brag about expensive things, bask in others money, love to have sex, disrespect people who's older then her, and is an selfish bitch who picks on innocents to please herself,

And then there's my Minji, can cook, can clean, and dedicates herself to the task in hands, never back down even if it means hurting herself, respects others even if it means to apologize countless times without being at fault, take cares of everything and everybody, never even looked at anyone with dirty eyes, you give her pain and she will take it with a smile on her face, she turned this house into a home, I tortured her and she still loved me, I let her starve and she served me food, I laughed at her disability and she gives applause when I successful became the CEO of my father's company, she never demanded anything, never answer back to me, and let me treat her like dog, but not anymore,

I will make it up for her, I will love her talk to me, don't you dare lay your hands on her" I was looking at Minji who's eyes show hate for me, her glare was sharp,

"Minji I thought she took you away from me, I thought you left me, I was anxious and uneasy, I promise you minjeong, I won't do anything I did before, I will be a good person" I said but she still glare at me and looked at the girl who was standing there looking at us, Minji sigh and looked at me again,

"She's my college friend Hanni, and I'm not like you, I don't go around looking for sex, she's my friend, she's like my sister, I'm not looking for a lover Hanni, I'm not that desperate at least I know that I'm married and have boundaries that I should never cross, unlike you" I was ashamed to be honest, I didn't dare to look up at her, I just got on my knees in front of her and held her hand, which she try to pull away but my grip was strong,

"I'm sorry, please forgive me" she looked behind me and said,

"Bae I think you should go home, I will be fine and will call you ok" the girl nodded and took her things and walked out of the house,

"Do you want to eat anything, whatever you like" I ask Minji who shook her head,

"I had breakfast with Bae earlier, and today both families are coming here to meet us, I don't know what all this about but they haven't even asked me once in this two years if I was ok or not, then why are they coming here, did you invite them" I nervously nodded to which she chuckled and shook her head again,

"Tell them I'm not feeling well and uninvite them, tell them anything that comes in your thick head tell them you're busy with your girlfriend so you can't come home to be with them" I looked at her, but her face was blank, no emotions,

"Minji I asked Yujin to leave, I won't go near her again I promise, I will stay loyal to you and I'll try my best to prove you that I'm changing, just please, please give me a chance, I realized that you're the one I want, you're my wife, I'm sorry it took me long but I finally know what I really want, and it's you minjeong, it's you" I said and saw tears in her eyes, I try to go close to her but was met with a slap, I let her, she slapped me many times and I let her, because I know I deserve worse then this, but I'm grateful that Minji still knows that I'm her husband and she's still here in this house with me, I'm grateful that she's not leaving me or this house,

"Do you want lunch in bed, you must be tired so let's take you upstairs, you sleep there and I will ask our maid to cook something for you" Minji looked at me and then at our maid,

"Why don't you cook something then, why ask maid when you're all good to do it yourself, I mean you're not disabled like me" and that hits me, for the first time in my life, I was on the verge of crying, her words hit me like a thunder, but I decided to avoid her words,

"OK I will cook for us, but first can I take you upstairs, so you can rest please" she nodded and I carefully pick her up in my arms, I walked upstairs and in our bedroom, I tuck her in and come downstairs again,

"I will win you back my wife, I will win you back"

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