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Minji's pov

It's been a weeks since we had moved here and I've barely seen Hanni in the house, she works all day in the field and then she goes to the village nearby and supplies vegetable and pure cow milk to the mart and small shops there, she even made deal with some city people who needed suppliers for there shop,

When she comes home at night, she's tired and all worked up, she comes home all sweaty and smelly, sometimes muddy and worn out she doesn't talk much now, she will just exchange some words with me that's it,

"Minji" I was snapped out of my trance when I heard her voice, I looked up at the wall clock and it was 11 at night, i saw her locking the doors and windows,

"What took you so long" I ask and to be honest I can see how tired she is,

"I think I need to buy a new truck, that old one is broken beyond the repair" I nodded and wheeled closer to her, but then I realized she smells like tobacco and sweat,

"Hanni did you smoke" she frown and shook her head, and sniff herself with frown,

"I didn't smoke, there was a man who needed help and he was smoking" I nodded and she walked into the kitchen and drank some water, "Had dinner yet" she ask and I nodded, but then again I noticed her hands was shaking for some reason,

"I'll help you in shower come on" i said and her eyes wided but she still nodded and picked me up,

Once upstairs in the bathroom Hanni help me in the bath tub, and then she took her cloths off, her body was sweaty, muddy and tense, once she was in the bath tub and in front of me, I took the soap and apply on her chest which was manly and not womanly, it was puffy,

"Why is your body so tense" I ask and she suddenly pulled me and set me on her lap,

"Sometimes it happens, and you roaming your hand over my chest isn't helping much, i have needs Minji" she said and I understand what's she talking about,

"But I won't do it" I said firmly and she chuckled at me,

"I know and I'm not asking you to do it" I nodded and helped her, and after sometime she set me at the bath tub again,

"Minji turn around I need to wash up properly" I turn around and she wash herself up, after some minute or something she was standing in front of me in just towel,

"Don't you think you're trying to be bold today Hanni" I ask and she nodded, she helped me with dry clothes and we went downstairs for dinner, I served her but again noticed how her hands where shaking,

"Let me help you" I took the spoon from her hand but when our hands touched I feel her hands had scratchs, I didn't point it out and started to feed her,

After dinner I was tucked in by Hanni and she got up and was ready to leave when I stop her,

"Where are you going" I ask and she stopped turning around she shook her head,

"downstairs, I was just thinking to have some drink, I really need it right now" she said I nodded and throw the clothes at her,

"Wear it, don't roam around naked and make sure you come upstairs in half hour" she nodded and walked out without Closing the door,

She come upstairs on the right time and I think she thought I was asleep, so she put the blanket on the floor like she usually do with pillows and comforter and as soon as her head hit the pillow she was asleep,

I did my best and crawled out of the bed and beside her, I surprisingly managed to sit on her back, I started to massage her back and heard a relaxing sigh comes out of her mouth, "Minji you don't need to do it, go back to sleep" I heard her speak, I was startled and embarrassed at the same time but I won't show it to her,

"Don't tell me what to do" I said and massage her back properly, I heard her sigh and moan in pain,

After sometime I heard her light snores, I climb off of her, But suddenly she turned around and hug me,

"Hanni let me go" I try my best but her hold was firm,

"No sleep here and stop moving" was all she said I sigh and didn't fight back,

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