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Hanni's pov

I was passing around in the house, here and there, I was waiting for my mans to give me information about Minji or even bring her home, I don't know what to do, all I know is that if she's missing its because of me, I'm the one who pushed her over her limits, I'm the one to blame, because I'm that reckless bastard who didn't care about he's own wife, who treat her badly torture her, and humiliated her in front of my good for nothing friends,

I turned around when I heard the door, I saw Mr. Kwon carrying Minji in he's arms and she was still unconscious, I run and took her in my arms, her face was so peacefull its like an angel, I quickly go upstairs and lay her on my bed, i covered her with blanket,

"Call the chief and ask him to cook something healthy for Minji, she must have starved because of me" I lay beside her and hug her, I kissed her head and caressed it,

But then she stirred and quickly open her eyes, as soon as she was me, she pushed me away and started to cry, I try to go close to her but she again pushed my hands away, and while pushing me away she hurt her already injured finger, she started to cry even harder and hold her hand, which was in pain,

"Hey don't do that you're hurting yourself" and for the first time in 2 years she glare at me, "It's better to hurt myself then letting you hurt me" and to be honest her words shook me, I have never seen her like this, I again try to go close to her but she again pushed me away,

She literally crawled out of the bed and on her wheelchair, she couldn't properly because of her injury, but she still wheeled to the closet and open it,

"What are you doing" I ask but she didn't answer and pulled out an suitcase, from the closet, she open it and started to throw her clothes in it,

"I ask you something Minji, what are you doing" she again didn't answer and was struggling, I was about to walk closer to her, but I halted when she spoke,

"I'm setting you free, I'm leaving this house" I walked closer to her and took the suitcase away and threw it across the room, she flinched, I stopped because i don't want to scare her,

"Minji lets talk ok" I ask but she chuckled and shook her head,

"No Hanni, I can't even look at you anymore, you disgust me, you're nothing but an asshole, you asked me, yourself, that I should let you go, didn't you call me an burden, an disabled wife who can't do anything, you said I'm an embarrassment, then why should I stay, and I have finally learned that loving someone like you will only give me pain and I'm done, I'm done being your dog, and you know what you're right when you said I can't pleasure you, because I don't go down to every single person I meet, just like your girlfriend, I never have and I never will, because If I ever let someone to touch me or make love to me, it will be the person who loves me and not like someone who goes around fucking every single person they meet" with that she just try to wheel away but I kneel in front of her, I won't let her go, not when I realized I all wanted in my life was her, not when I know that she's the one I want to have kids with, I will win her back,

"Do whatever you want to do, hit me, curse at me, and even stop doing house chores and stop looking at me or taking care of me, but I won't let you go, you are my wife and you're not allowed to leave me just like that" but she shook her head,

"Do you think, your words going to change anything, do you really think anything about you will erase the scars you have given me, no Hanni it never will, and please stop pretending and go back to your girlfriend, I'm sure she's going to look for you, if you don't meet her by now" with that she again try to wheel away but i was not going to let her go,

"Minji please don't leave me, I will do whatever you want me to do, but please don't leave me" she again shook her head,

"No Hanni, I don't want you in my life, you're nothing but an abusive, womanizer, bastard who can't stay loyal to a person, who knows how many people you have slept with, you are dirty Hanni, you really disgust me, now even your single touch on my body burns me, I'm starting to feel dirty myself, so please Hanni stay away from me and go back to your whore of an girlfriend who is as same as you, you both make a good dirty couple, because both of you likes whoring around" her words went deep this time, it was like she made me face my dirty, disgusting self, which is not even worthy to stand in front of Minji, but still I won't let her go,

"No, you're not going anywhere, you're my wife and I'm not allowing you to leave me, you're staying with me, I won't let you go, did you hear me, never" as soon as I yelled I was met with a sharp slap, but I didn't pay attention and hug her waist, she was still hitting my back but I let her, we both were crying but I have made up my mind, I won't let her go, never in this life,

Legs That Can Not Walk (Bbangsaz) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin