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Hanni pov

I try my best to cook but after hours of making a mess Minji asked Mrs. Lee to make her something and she eat what Mrs. Lee make, I was just there looking down at my feet feeling ashamed that i can't even make simple meal, I try to feed her but she said no and went into her old room and haven't come out since,

I try to call her out, I even set at her bedroom door for more then an hour but she didn't open the door, to my surprise Minji's parents and siblings show up, and they have been asking for Minji and I'm giving them excuses that she's sleeping because she was sick, but now they want to stay until Minji comes out,

"Mrs. Kim  I don't think she wants to talk right now can we please not force her" I said as politely as I can, because if minjeong doesn't like them, then I don't like them too,

"I want to talk to her, we won't go like this, what is she doing, Making her parents wait like this" said Mr. Kim and I didn't like the way he talk, I was about warn him to watch he's mouth, but the door open and Minji comes out,

I quickly walked closer to her and pick her up, once settling her on the couch I set beside her,

"Minji how have you been" ask her mother but Minji just nodded and didn't answer, "How are you guys by the way" I ask them and try to busy them so they leave Minji alone,

"What's wrong with you, We've come here to see you and here you are behaving like you don't know us" her sister said with an frustrated face, which I didn't like,

"Hey watch that fucking mouth of yours, just because your Minji's sister doesn't mean I will let you spew shit in my house" they look shocked, so does Minji but I don't care, they will not talk to Minji that way, I won't allow them to,

"Hanni, they are sisters why are you middling in" said her father again, but this time Minji speaks,

"Because she's my life partner, she's the one I'm going to spend my life with, and she have rights to say things so you don't ask her questions, and yeah I don't think of you as a family as well" she said and I hold her hand and caressed it, I kiss her forehead too,

"How can you say that, we are your family, we came here to meet you and you're throwing tantrums" her mother said and glare at Minji,

"I've heard you guys calling me names and calling me an burden, I've heard you guys talking shit about me and you didn't even come to see if I was ok or not you didn't even call in two years, you call yourself family" they looked ashamed of themselves because Minji upfront them,

"It was a moment of rage Minji, we didn't mean it, we would never think of you that way" her father said but I had enough of them,

"I think you guys should leave our house and I will cancel the deal tomorrow, since Minji doesn't think of you as a family, there's no point in continuing the deal, I'll ask my secretary to set a meeting and I will give you guys your 20% back, now leave" they looked stunned by my words they wanted to protest but I already pick Minji up and walked back to our bedroom, I set her on the bed and walked downstairs again, they were still there,

"So you guys just left her like this, you didn't call her or come to meet her, you just forgot her, why" when I ask they didn't dare to look up and that raged me,

"Get the hell out of my house, I said get out" I yelled as loud as I can, they nodded and left, I ordered food for us and went upstairs,

"Minji we are going on a vacation for a week" I said and try to make her happy but she glared at me, I nervously sat beside her and try to hold her hand but again was slapped on my right cheek, she whimper because she accidentally hurt her finger,

"Hey stop it, let it heal properly and then hit me as much as you want, but for now just please don't hurt yourself, please" and this time she let me hold her hands, I kiss her hand and kneel in front of her,

"Do you have any places to suggest" but she just sighs and pushed me away,

"Stop pretending Hanni, don't you get tired of being fake all the time, what do you want, want to have sex with me, that's why you're doing this because your girlfriend left you or you just wants to show your friends that how big of a fool I'm" I shook my head,

"No no Minji, I'm really not pretending Minji, I really want to Make it up to you, I will do anything you want please give me chance" she shook her head and turned away from me,

"I won't give you a chance Hanni, never, I don't want you in my life, you're an horrible person Hanni you can't even treat others as humans, you treat them like a slave, do you really think I want you in my life after what you did to me" she yelled and I tried to reach out for her to explain to her anything but she pushed me away and tried to move away as well,

"Hey hey im leaving ok, I will leave you alone just don't hurt yourself ok just don't" I got up and left the room, as soon as I was in the living room I heard doorbell ring, it was food delivery boy, I paid him and then went inside the kitchen, I served some food into the plate and went upstairs, I slowly open the door and saw Minji glaring at me, I quietly walked in and set the food on the bed and a water bottle, after that I left, I closed the door and sat down at the door so I can be close to her without her knowing or she will get mad,

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