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next morning I woke up on the floor where I was beaten last night, I crawled to my wheelchair and try to set up but my body was hurt to the point I can't even move my finger but I knew if I stayed like this I'll get nothing but more beating,

And for some reasons I was dizzy and cold at the same time, I was shivering badly, thats when I saw Hanni walked downstairs and give me a disgusting look, she was going out of the house when I called her, stop her,

"Hanni wait" I said she sigh and turn to me, with the bored look,

"CA...can...yyou....sstay....at...ho...home...ple ase" she looked confused but then smirk and I knew I made big mistakes of my life,

"I'm staying at home and I'm inviting my friends as well, so prepare yourself" It wasn't anything kind, it was an warning that something bad is going to happen to me, but still I nodded and wheeled away,


When I come out I saw at least 10 of Hanni's friends sitting in the livingroom with beers and mess all over the place, but it didn't bother me, what hurts me was girl sitting on Hanni's lap, while making out with each other, as soon as there eyes landed on me, Hanni let go of that girl and walked closer to me,

"So guys this is my disable wife, that I was telling you about, she's very talented at doing all the house chores, even when she's disabled you know, she's good at it but she thinks doing house chores will melt my heart for her and I will change my mind and will start loving her how foolish, isn't she" her friends laughed at me, she pushed me closer to her friends and set back at her seat and again let the girl sit on her lap,

"You know she just can't make me feel proud of having a wife, I really wished to have wife like Yujin, a perfect package, but look what I got, all she do is sit on that fucking chair for all day, she can't do anything on her own, she's nothing but a burden to me, and I hate this, why don't you just let me go, can't you see I'm ashamed of you, whenever I come home you show up with your dinner that I don't even like, your just an walking talking burden" I didn't know what to do, all I did was cry in front of them and try to push myself away but one of Hanni's friend stopped me by grabbing my chair,

"Please let me go, I have done nothing wrong to you guys, just leave me alone please" I begged but Hanni got up and again pushed me off of a chair,

"Let's lock her in the basement" said Hanni's girlfriend, Hanni smirk at me and again dragged me, I cried and begged, "Hanni no please, anything but the basement, Hanni please let me go Hanni, I swear i will leave this house and never show up again, just please let me go Hanni" but she didn't listen, she locked me in the basement and I heard them laughing,

At this moment all i wanted to do was leave this house and never show up again, but I don't know where to go, because in this 2 years my parents never try to contact me, they never call or come to see me, and I was never invited at Hanni's house as well, in these 2 years I have not gotten out of this house, I don't know anything about outside world, and I'm not allowed to have phone or anything, I haven't talked to anybody in 2 years, but thats ok I will leave this house as soon as possible,

Legs That Can Not Walk (Bbangsaz) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن