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Hanni's pov

I'm frustrated, angry and fucking disappointed at myself for inviting my friends and girlfriend to my house, the moment they saw Minji they started to make fun of me and I'm not liking it, I knew it was wrong idead but I wanted that bitch to suffer,

She ruined everything in my life, I had to be tied to her for no reasons, she can't be a good wife, can't give me pleasure, I can't even introduce her to anyone or take her anywhere,

People laugh at me, think of me as an slave of my good for nothing wife, what is the point in having a wife who can't take care of you, I'm just so angry, that's why, I have decided to take Yujin and my friends on a weekend trip, and right now we are in my private jet, going to jeju iceland, I don't care what that bitch is going to do all weekend, all I know is, I want is to be away from her,

"Hey Hanni, don't you think we shouldn't have, locked your wife in the basement, i mean don't get me wrong but she can't walk, how is she going to come out of the basement without walking" when Heeseung said that something flashed in my mind, her face, that looks way to innocent for my liking, I shook my head,

"That women is not as innocent as you think, she married me against my will, and I got humiliated by my parents all because of her, so don't even think of her as an innocent person" I said but there's a small voice in my head that's telling me, that I have made an biggest mistake of my life,

After having fun for the whole weekend, I'm finally relaxed and In peaceful mind, all I want to do is sleep for at least a day and then I will go to work,

As soon as I open the door, I was met with the dead silence, I frowned, I went in and saw the wheelchair was still upside-down as I left, I walked closer to the basement door, only to realize that the lock was broken from inside, but my breath hitched when I saw blood on the floor, it was in drops, it was in the smallest amount but still made me shit my pants,

"Minji" I yelled but heard nothing, I went in her bedroom but there was no traces of Minji,

I run into the kitchen and she wasn't there as well, I even checked upstairs and other bedrooms and bathrooms but she wasn't in the house,

I fished my phone out to call her just to realize that I never allowed her to have a phone, there's only phone in the house are landlines, I even called my maid that do house chores on the weekends,

"I want to know wheres Minji" I ask her right away, I hear her stutter and finally she talk,

"When I visited, I was going to clean the house but then I heard voice from basement, I try to call you but you didn't pick up, and when I opened the door I saw Mrs. Pham, she was in a bad condition, she was on her period, and I think she was trying to brake the door open and in that process she broke her finger I could see her finger bone, and on top of that she was starving for 2 days and had fever as well, so I decided to take her to the hospital, I just left her in the hospital and come home" and for the first time in a while just by hearing this my whole body weakened, I try to process what I heard, but didn't know how to react,

"W..which....ho...hospital.....sshe's......I.....in" I stutter but heard her sigh,

"No I can't tell you, I promise her that I won't, I'm sorry Ms. Pham, but she's my friend and I can't just let her suffer anymore, she's been through a lot since she was child, she had told me everything and I think it's better if you never meet her again, You can just fired me, I won't ask for reasons but I can't just sit back and watch her suffer" and before I could say anything the call was disconnected,

She suffered, I made her suffer, I did it, I never even considered her as a human, I always thought of her as an disabled wife, and instead of taking care of her, I torture her, I never pay attention to her tears, both of aur parents trusted me with her but I did all wrong, I really crossed every fucking lines, I called my man's,

"Find Minji, search every hospital, small or popular, I don't care just search every hospital I want Minji home in an hour" I commands and hear them saying yes boss,

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