We're here now....Gen?!

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Chooki P.o.v
Me, toxsa and guren were rushing to ceylans house right after school let out when guren got the call from ceylan. Guren ran up to the door of ceylans house first after dumping his bike off in the driveway then started pounding on the door."Ceylan!? ______!?!?" Guren was yelling through the door trying to get some kind of answer. I grabbed his wrist to make him stop. "Dude chill, didn't you hear what Ceylan said.." Toxsa gave Guren a serious look. "Granox is here.. And if we know that bucket head he's probably lurking around somewhere." Guren calmed down but jumped back as we heard the locks on Ceylans door unlock and the door swung open, we saw Ceylan and _____ in some weird football armor with some sports weapons. " What are yah crazy! Hurry up and get in!" Ceylan whispered/shouted then grabbed Guren and Toxsa and ____ grabbed me by my hand an pulled me in the house along with the others. "_____!? Ceylan!? What are you two doing and what did you guys mean about Granox is-!" I shouted at them but was cut off by a hand covering my mouth to shut me up, it was _____. "Please don't be too loud or Granox might find out you're here and attack us." She looked me dead in the eyes, her eyes were blank but fear and pain was shown like black marker on a blue piece of paper. (Ik Ik you probably expected white paper but to make it clear she looked a bit serious and scared that's what I mean).

No P. O. V

Chooki relaxed then ____ removed her hand from his mouth. " Look guys Granox is here and we've been hiding in here since its our only option." Ceylan looked over to _____ with a look of apology and sadness. " What do you mean 'only option' _____ you could've just flown home fast or you guys could've both came to one of us. " Toxsa said giving a questioning look at____, she traced circles on the floor with her foot but winced and fell but Guren caught her. "_____ what's wrong!?"" Guren asked worried. " That's the reason why I said it was our only option...._-____ got hurt and practically cut her ankles open to save us, she had to fly quick so Granox wouldn't catch us but staying on the ground was slowing us down. She held on to the bike tight and lifted so we could get outta there, I could feel his breath on the back of my neck till she made her wounds to get here safe." Ceylan hung his head. The other boys looked shocked, while _____ looked away from them. '_-____......' They thought, she was a brave girl to save ceylan even though it caused her great pain. "....._____, Thank you for saving our friend." Guren gave her a hug. Just then a knock came from the other side of the door, everyone was in a circle around _____ in case it was Granox which was most likely who it was. "Let me in. I know about Granox but he's gone now." That voice... _____ slightly limped towards the door and slowly opened it. " _____! No!" Toxsa ran but he collapsed into the emo, cool, loner who was at the door. "Gen!Toxsa!" She called in worry.They both layed sprawled out on the porch rubbing their heads. " Gen?!  What are you doing here?!" Guren yelled. " Calm down I was just looking for _____ to make sure she was safe since I heard about Granox being on the loose here on earth and I had a feeling that she would be here."

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