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"Nobody outruns Chooki!" Chooki sped up his bike as well. Guren was in the lead But Gen, he chuckled and took a shortcut to the diner. Toxsa, Chooki, Ceylan, and Guren were neck and neck just about to take a right to the diner road where Gen was walking inside already when..."Car!!!" Guren screamed from behind,ceylan and him moved to the opposite lane of the car quickly, chooki, toxsa, and ____ looked behind then in front of them and split ways quickly, chooki to the diner and toxsa was spiraling out off the road down a hill that leads towards the fishing river. "AHHHHHHH!" _____ screamed holding onto toxsa tightly. He had to act fast or else ___ and him could end up really hurt, he let go of the bike handles, turned sideways enough to somewhat grab her, and pushed them both off the bike rolling down the hill to stop before getting too close to the water. Toxsa looked up hearing the bike splash in the water. She was wincing holding on to his shirt tightly with grass in her hair..."___! You're ok right?! You didn't get hurt did you?" He sat up with her in his arms, holding her head gently. She groaned and moved to sit up on his lap. "Ahh!M-My ankles.." She winced holding her calfs knowing that touching her injury directly would make it worse. Toxsa heard quick paced footsteps and turned his head upward to the top of the hill. "____?!" "Toxsa!?" The others called out heading down the hill, Toxsa waved his free hand up signalling where they were. Gen quickly ran over to them first, Chooki close behind him. "You idiots, anytime you four are around her she gets hurt! seems you all cannot manage to even take care of a person much less your own safety with all your horseplay!" Gen was angry...___ and him have been family friends since his parents were starting to split apart. "____!" "Hey Toxsa watch where the heck you're going you two could've ended up flatter then Gen's sense of humor." Guren and Ceylan yelled. Gen gave him Ceylan a small glare which Guren caught and sighed getting between them. "Hey the most important thing here is that Toxsa and ____ aren't hurt too badly." He said. "She's not gonna die or anything, but her ankle is pretty swollen and starting to bleed-" Chooki said looking at her legs, as he was reaching to touch her ankle Gen blocked him. "I think you band of misfits have done enough damage." He got on one knee, grabbed ______out of Toxsa's hands and speed walked away to his bike carrying her bridal style. "Hey!" The others yelled At him. "G-Gen... you didn't have to do that.. it was an accid-" she was cut off by him scoffing. "Well it seems like whenever you're with them you seem to have a lot of "accidents," ones that put you in physical pain. I lost my family, I'm not losing the one good thing that came out of this world." ...."Gen.." "You'll stay with me tonight. With villius sending Granox here you won't be safe at home. No ifs ands or butts about it other than yours resting." He climbed on his bike with her in his lap holding onto his neck sighing, knowing he wouldn't be changing his mind.

Others p.o.v

"Grrr! Why does Gen always have to swoop in and mess everything up!" "We had everything under control." "It was just an accident!It could've been way worse if I let the car hit us!" The boys argued.
"Well, maybe it's best if we let Gen watch over her for now. At least till she's recovered." Guren suggested looking at Toxsa's bike in the water. "Ok, he's lost it. Guren he's the enemy! With ____!!" Ceylan screamed. Toxsa got up joining Ceylan. "He could very well be planning a trap like doomsploders level 15 on story mode where the new prince ends up throwing the princess in a super hard dungeon!!" "Gurens got a bit of a point,we should let her heal up, but we should watch out for her at the same time." Chooki said as he walked back to his bike. The others sighed and looked at each other nodding their heads and soon following his lead to their bikes then headed home.

~Gen p.o.v~

We pulled up to my mansion and I picked up ____. She was half asleep and shivering. I went in with her in my arms, locked the door behind me, and went up to my room to set her on my bed. Something felt off but I ignored it, father made sure to have the best security in the nation on the house. "____, you'll be safe here... I swear on my goal to erase this horrible world I will not let those goody two shoes Tenkai Knights or Villius harm you ever again.." I whispered half hoping she was too tired to listen and half that she did. I decided to go downstairs and get a wine glass of water for her to put beside the bed in case she woke up thirsty. *ping ping* incoming call from Beni. My wrist phone went off. Oh she can call me but she can't call her own sister... what does she want this late anyway it's 9 o clock. I didn't wanna disturb her sleeping so I went out, closed the door, and went outside to answer the phone. "What is it Beni?" "Nothing important, just wanted to know if you were on Quarton or not since I haven't heard from you in a while." Uggh the clingyness in this girl honestly we continued to talk for a while till I heard a scream. "Gen!? What was that?" Beni screamed through the phone. I hung up bursting through the front door, running up the stairs and kicked open my door to see the sheets ripped off, glass of water shattered on the floor, a window open.....and _____'s hair pin on the ground...

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Tenkai knights boys X readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon