Chapter 1 part 2: The missing knight of Genkai?,_____!?

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...Ceylan!!!!" Guren called as Villiis towered over the injured Knight."Hehehe oh tributon. Finally I will be one step closer to ridding the Knight's, Say goodbye to your comrades Tributon. HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!Villiis raised his dark sword above Ceylan screamed out in utter panic and fear shielding himself with his wounded arm clamping hi eyes shut waiting for his final moment to come. "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" *crack* Was all that was heard instead of bone crushing bloody murder. Ceylan was still screaming though. "Ceylan-kun please stop screaming." A soft calm voice cooed in his ears that made him open his eyes. "huh?"He looked up to see a female in armor like Beni's kind but she was white and light blue with a black scythe. Ceylan thought he died and that she was an angel knight but no it was _-_-___!??!" He shouted out. "yes Ceylan-kun?" She flew him to the ground behind her and Inami stood facing Villiis and the others. "Ah!No!It can't be possible for one of you to be here!!! I finished off every last one if the Genkai knights centuries ago!!!" He shouted in disbelief. "Villiis! I am the impossible... I am the chosen Genkai female knight descendant of Hiyori!You're going to pay for killing my mother Villiis!!!!! I'm going to carry out my mother's vow to destroy you for all the terrible things you've done! Raaaaaaghhhh!!!!!!!Celestiaton titan mode!!!Crystal combination blade!!"____shouted charging as her scythe glowed with a ball of energy at the top covering it. "WOAHHHH!!!" The knights said in amazement.'Wow she is so gonna be my awesome girlfriend! Toxsa thought to himself,thinking of a plan to get _____'s heart. As she slashed her scythe at Villiis there was a huge blast making smoke,rocks,and dirt fly everywhere. once the view of them were cleared, it was not what anyone would've expected.....____'s scythe was through Villiis's shoulder to his mid chest but didn't go through his body behind him just in between it. Villiis disappeared from the scene after calling his two followers to take him back to the darkness. "Ceylan!" everyone called rushing to his aid."Ceylan-kun are you alright? What's hurting?!" Inami questioned holding his head on her arm to prop him up. "_-____-chan you saved me... I-its my side and my a-arm. Other than that I'm peachy! Haha-Argh!" He winced in pain. "Ceylan buddy you gotta take it easy, you're seriously hurt." Chooki said. "yeah Chooki's right Ceylan, Don't make your injuries any more worse than they would've been if Inami hadn't saved you. Heck actually you saved us all _____, thanks a lot." Guren added with a goofy grin. " its ok you don't have to thank me. I was just doing what any Genkai knightress or Tenkai knight would do." _____ replied, blushing a light shade of pink waving her hands off to them."Oh ____ you are so awesome!!! You totally have to train with us sometime!!" Toxsa exclaimed putting an arm around her shoulder. She blushed again. "U-uh I-i-" she was cut off by them all getting transported back to earth. "Ceylan!!C'mon Buddy wake up!" Guren yelled. "Guren stop he's fine, he just needs some rest and medicine for the wounds." _____ explained, at that moment Ceylan woke up. "G-guys?_____?!" He jumped a little which made him groan in pain. _____ put a finger on his lips to silence him, "Ceylan!" Everyone cheered in relief as they gathered in for a group hug. "Argh Ack!" Ceylan screamed in pain. _____ gasped and floated up to where they couldn't reach with Ceylan on her back. "Stop, He's very hurt so you have to be careful touching him. Now since Ceylan's in a painful state I'm ordering you all not bother him during recovery only talk no touch, I'm going to tend to his wounds now, c'mon." _____descend lower to float through the door and into Mr. whites (living room) an placed Ceylan on the couch. "_-___, Y-y-you saved me." He mumbled, weakly grabbing her hand making her slightly blush. He noticed she had a bruise on her arm and a small rock cut probably from fighting Villiis on quarton. "Yes but I wish I could've gotten there sooner so that maybe I could have taken the blow or prevent that battle in the first place." she got up an looked in a cabinet close by to find a medical kit, ____ opened it up and kneeled on the floor next to the couch. "H-hey _____ is any of this gonna hurt?" Ceylan asked a little nervous about it. She giggled a bit then looked up to meet his sea blue eyes, Ceylan if you're scared you can hold my hand but if it hurts that you wanna scream just squeeze it as you please. Its alright." She held out her left hand as he held it. "Thank you so much _____, I owe you big time." "Don't mention it, happy to help. this is gonna sting." She had a rag with rubbing alcohol on his arm to clean his cuts off his arms, one on his cheek an one on his knee. He whimpered but squeezed _____'s hand tightly but she didn't flinch or act as if she even felt it. After a half an hour of wrapping his wrist and plastering his cuts,Ceylan was all better. He just needed to take it easy on his wrist but he would be slightly limping due to his sore left leg, she tapped her wrist phone an called the others so they could see Ceylan. "CEYLAN!!!!!"The three boys also Mr.White,shouted as they slammed the door open.

Yay Ceylan-kun is all better!^°^
Even though he's still hurt and sore, will he still be able to be a Tenkai Knight? Will he quit the team for good? Who's going to win the girl ? FIND OUT NEXT BY VOTING! DON'T BE SHY GIVE COMMENTS TO ON SOME IDEA'S OF WHAT YOU MIGHT WANT TO HAPPEN
Sayonara ~Melusa k.Sugata

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