Chapter 2:History on the girl guardian and Free day with friends

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"CEYLAN!!!!!"The three boys also Mr.White,shouted as they slammed the door open, unfortunately they all face planted on the wood floor from shoving each other so fast. "Uhhhhh...Do they always act like this?" _____ questioned. "Eh yea, you'll get use to'em." Ceylan sighed smoothly, lying back on the couch. Then the others jumped on their feet and raced over to Ceylan practically yelling statement's an questions at him. "Ceylan dude you're okay! your alive!" Guren exclaimed "You seriously took one heck  of a hit before _____ chan saved you. It looked like a level 40 ,blue goblin troll hit you with an enchanted weapon spell."Toxsa commented." Yea Ceylan, We were starting to think you really severely got hurt. But now there's no need to worry anymore now that we've got the best new linebacker on our team to coach us an help out!" Said then patted Ceylan on the back but that caused him to slightly hiss. "oh guys you have to be careful not to touch him hard or put anymore pressure on his body, Ok Ceylan-kun?" ______ scolded  then checked his back, 'just a sore muscle' _____ thought. "Hey _-_____-chan?" Guren called. "Yes?" She answered as she stood up, holding Ceylan arm around her shoulder. "Uh uh I-i I wanted to know if I could do anything to help out with Ceylan." 'Ugh. Guren why couldn't you just ask her the smooth way to go somewhere and talk! !!!? I'm such a wimp.'Guren thought to himself. ______'s face was from plain nothing to joy and respect. "Wow Guren, you're so sweet and caring for your team. Now I see why you were chosen to be bravenwolf." She commented. " Yea. Others always come first. So anyway I can help? " "us too ______-chan!" Chooki and Toxsa exclaimed,trying to get some attention from her. "Well, let's see, since you won't be able to walk correctly or run as you use to.  Someone's gonna have to first help Ceylan around when he is going somewhere.  Guren that'll be you alright.Then if their just so happens that something or one comes to indanger him while he's vulnerable like this then we need a good, skilled, fast guard to protect Ceylan and get them all to safety. Chooki, that should be you.Ceylan I remember you told me a while ago that your dad I'd still out of town on his 10 day business trip so we need another guard/caretaker that will help him with daily things as chores, feeding and waking to different parts of his house,  Me. Finally. Toxsa ,this is where your strategic and smarts are gonna come in handy. I need you to help Ceylan with any homework he can't do.  Clear?" Guren, Chooki, and Toxsa all sighed a bit then nodded in agreement."Well ______, you've been so much help to us and yet we still don't know anything else about you other than your name." Mr. White said as he placed tea on a wooden table. "Yeah. It'd be great if maybe we can be friends with you and get to know you better." Guren commented. _______had sat down on the couch next to Toxsa then gave a sad sigh while hanging her head which hid her face in her bang's.  "Well I don't really know where to start and I kinda don't wanna be reminded of my past." Toxsa, put on a reassuring smile and a hand on her shoulder. She looked up in slight surprise. "it's ok. Whatever you don't feel comfortable telling us then you don't have to say it." He chuckled. She smiled as well, Then sat up straight. "O-okay.  Thank you Toxsa. My name is _____ _____ , 13, you all have met my twin Beni, I know you guys are questioning in your heads about 'How am I a Knightress'or 'how do I know about quarton?' My mother was the human leader of the Genkai Knightresses, a team very similar to yours but their objective was to heal the corrupted and destroy Villius to restore Quarton to its former glory. Allas.......Villius wiped them all out except for my mother, after me and my sister were born she was still the same, loving, caring, strong woman she always was until our 5th birthday when I found one core brick. I took the one in my favorite crystal blue color and accidentally ended up in Quarton somehow, my mother was already there though as I wondered around the battle grounds, Villius soon discovered my tenkai energy similar to my mother's and was about to destroy me though she heard my cries an made it in time to save me... but her life wasn't saved. He vaporized her the second she did something to me and sent me back to earth.Her last words were'____ you will be different , beautiful and strong without me, grow up that way and always know that mommy loves you'." _____ ended with tears streaming down her face sniffing at the memory of her mother's cruel muder/death. She couldn't hold back her bottled up pain any longer, She full out cried as if she saw her dying over and over. The others were all struck with grief and sadness with sympathy.

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