Beni...How could you

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" Gen?! What are you doing here?!" Guren yelled. " Calm down I was just looking for _____ to make sure she was safe since I heard about Granox being on the loose here on earth and I had a feeling that she would be here." He said in his sly monotone voice. "Yeah well as you can see, she's safe with us." Chooki replied with a hint of attitude. " Yeah and just how did you find out about Granox being here on earth, Gen?" Toxsa questioned while standing up crossing his arms. "I saw a strange, fat, Titanium,Brick man sneaking around the city. Who else fits that description other than Granox ." He smirked while giving his explanation feeling more intelligent. "Have you seen him around here recently? He attacked _____ and me a while back on my stre-" Ceylan was interrupted by Gen rushing over to _____ while pushing him away from her. "(nickname) what happened to your ankles!? Did these four hurt you? Did Granox do thi-" You cut him off feeling guilty. "Gen...I did it to myself. To protect Ceylan and I from Granox, he fixed me up and kept me safe so there's no need to worry."

~outside mystery p. O. V ~

"Dammit ughh look at her all over Gen, I thought I told that block headed idiot to capture her not bring her more attention.... Whatever, I still have a few more plans for getting Villius and I just what we want... Hehehehee." I skate away on my motorbike to the warehouse where sliger and Granox are with the perfect plan. The only tricky part of it is getting her alone and vulnerable for it to work tomorrow. Part of it that wasn't even intended is already in place, vulnerable with those injuries on her ankles'but now I just need the place and time...

~Normal p. O. V~

Gen and Guren helped _____ up and out of Ceylans house after Chooki and Toxsa checked around the house for any sign of Granox. "Thank you guys but you don't need to worry, I think i can fly/float." She tried to float off the ground and succeeded but she was still wobbling here and there. "Hey guys let's head to the diner, I'm starving. I feel like a level 14 goblin who hasn't eaten after battling 12 challengers. A-and because _____ needs some food to help her recover of course. Hehe " Toxsa rubbed his growling stomach and chuckled nervously. "Sure that sounds like a good idea. How bout it _____?" Guren looked back at ____.She perked up and smiled softly at him. " O-Oh sure but I'm kinda anorexic (It means you Don't really eat but I personally don't really like food). "What does that mean? Is it an allergy?" Ceylan questioned just as clueless as Toxsa Then _____ hung her head and hid behind Gen. "Idiots it means she barely eats." Gen smacked Ceylan and Toxsa on the backs of their heads. "Ow! Hey!" The two yelped while Chooki and Guren sweat dropped looking awkward. " Gen y-you didn't have to d-do t-that.." _____ said quietly in his ear. " Well maybe we should just head over to the diner already, _____ it's perfectly fine if you don't wanna eat anything I respect your decision." Guren nervously rubbed the back of his head then gave _____ a thumbs up trying to make her feel more comfortable with him, She smiled softly and Toxsa got up along with Ceylan and started opening the door for her but then got into an argument about who did she thank when she walked out the door of Ceylans house. She had her arms over Chooki and Gen's shoulders as they walked out to there bikes. "Guys I don't really need help walking it doesn't hurt that mu-" She was cut off by looking at Ceylans motorbike, there were two big spots of blood on the sides and some dripped on the concrete ground. "Hey what's wrong?" Chooki asked then looked in the same direction as her and saw the motorbike, 'nobody could say she didn't try to save him now that his bike looks like this, Hm she's definitely a strong girl just my type of girl.' Ceylan noticed them and looked at _____ and his bike thinking she felt guilty for messing it up. " Hey ____ look it's okay don't worry about the bike I can just wash it off, don't let what happened bother you anymore I'm here because of you and that bike so don't feel guilty. Your too pretty for that...." He smiled at her and touched her cheek. She blushed, smiling back. The others saw and secretly screamed at him in there heads. " Since you don't have your hover shoes you can ride with me _____ if you want to." Toxsa offered, there was plenty room on the back of his bike for her. " Really? Thank you Toxsa that's so nice of you, I'll ride with you." She walked over from Chooki and Gen to Toxsa's bike and hopped on wrapping her arms around his waist. He blushed slightly and chuckled feeling her warmth on his back. The others quietly growled at toxsa and started up their bikes, riding off from ceylans house. " You sure you're okay back there _____? I'm not going to fast am I?" He slightly turned his head and looked at her. She peeped her eyes out from the back of his shirt that she was gripping and shook her head 'no' " N-No im okay i l-l-like g-going fast sometimes." Guren chuckled and smirked leaning over on his bike riding next to toxsa and _____. " Hey toxsa how bout a race to the diner? _____ wanna see them eat my dust?!" She giggled at his enthusiasm and nodded with a big smile of excitement. Toxsa humphed and started to speed up. "Hey! No fair Toxsa you got a head start!" Ceylan whined and sped up. "Nobody outruns Chooki!" Chooki sped up his bike as well. Guren was in the lead But Gen, he chuckled and took a shortcut to the diner. Toxsa, Chooki, Ceylan, and Guren were neck and neck...

((Surprise I'm back and sorry to leave you guys with a cliffhanger already too. I sorta need help for ideas updating this book cuz IDK what episode I wanna start from and I need to re-download the series on my tablet love y'all please comment or pm ideas to help))

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