Where are the blues and jealously

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Ceylan crouched on his knees to the ground and picked _____ up by her back."____!? What's wrong wake up!" He screamed in fear, Ceylan searched  you for what could of made you go unconscious and noticed his knees were wet.'Blood!' He said aloud in his mind "How can you be bleeding?! Wher-!!" He looked down at your ankles and saw they both had a deep cut mark still spilling blood.He shakily touched her left ankle and luckily got a reaction. You hissed and moved at the pain of the unclean gash. "_____! Where did you get these?! Please say something! If Granox did this to you...... I'll-" "C-ceylan-kun,I did this to save us from him. The weight on your motorbike and the metal sides underneath the bike cut my skin while I flew us away" you said in a low voice still dizzy.'S-she did this to save me?' "_-____....I'll call for help,we have to arm ourselves for if Granox finds a way in but we have to fix you up first. ....

(I'm sorry for shortness but I won't be typing for a while. )

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