Shh! We're In A Library

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"This is exciting!" Eden sequels, "We should go get our dresses designed soon too!"

I watch her do a little happy dance to the kitchen and I can't help but envy her being able to move so painlessly.

It has been a few days since I had injured my leg. The medicine worked wonders and most of the tear is healed. It is still bandaged but my dress covers it nicely. Even if the damage is covered, it is still clear that I'm hurt because I now walk with a limp.

Eden's excitement is another thing that has not been hidden for the past couple of days. I was still bleeding out on the kitchen chair when Eden told me Arlo asked her to the ball. At the time, I wasn't in the state to do anything but try not to get blood on the furniture.

I just brought it up again because there is a part I need to tell her. This might make her explode from excitement.

"I forgot to tell you something." I had said after she finished talking about her and Arlo. I could tell she was eager to hear my announcement.

"Robin asked the ball." I finally spit out and a series of questions fly at me. She wanted to know all the details like when he asked me, how he asked me, and if I said yes.

Her mouth fell open when I told her I agreed.

Truthfully, I felt bad about the whole situation. If I hadn't reached, unknowingly, for a box full of snakes then none of this wouldn't have happened. So, of course, I said yes because how could you not after being rescued like that?

It probably doesn't matter now, though. I'll have a good time at the ball even with Robin as my date.

Eden brings back our schedule and starts looking at times we can get a dress appointment. She decides on a date and I offer to go request it. She insists that I need more rest but I've been sitting for way too long. I finally convince her and I leave the room.

The halls are busy this afternoon. It's full of friend groups walking together in large packs and busy workers, focused on doing their jobs.

Due to my leg, I walk at a slow pace. Multiple times I am almost run over and I watch as people move around to pass me. I don't mind, however, because this is the only errand I have for tonight.

I reach the fashion design department and I'm greeted by an elderly lady at the front desk.

She works slowly as I tell her the information for the appointment. Repeatedly, she tells me to speak up, at this point, I'm yelling. Finally, she finishes and I get to leave knowing I have that task finished.

Another thing comes to mind when I remember I need a book from the library. My medicine class requires a book about herbs for an upcoming paper so I head to the library for that.

The library's open hours depend on the day, since today is a Tuesday, it closes in a few hours. I have a herb in mind so if I could find a book about it then my trip won't take much time. The library's doors are tall and heavy so I shift my weight to my good leg to pull it open. The smell of books hit me; I am immediately in a state of comfort.

Deciding not to go to the herbs section just yet, I browse around the towering shelves of books, looking at the vivid covers and enticing titles. I choose a few that stand out to me and keep them in my arms. I came here for one thing, now, my reading list has extended.

I drag myself away from the romance section to go find what I originally came here for. The medicine section is in the back of the large room. My footsteps are light, trying not to make noise because the studying lounge is right beside my section. I would hate to disturb any stressed students, but their focused faces are engrossed in the book they are studying or the papers they are writing.

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