Player profiles - Joel

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Joel in the first season portrayed his character as himself. His character ruled over the kingdom of Mezalea, built in the largest mesa of the server.

Joel is a human with brown eyes and brown hair with a single green streak in the front. 

In the beginning of his series, he wore a silver crown and a brown and green tunic. He wore dark grey pants and brown boots. He called himself the "prince of mezalea" up until he swapped skins.

After his marage to Lizzie, he swapped to a skin with a golden crown instead, with the colours of his outfit matching the colours of his empire. He now wears a magenta jacket with gold accents and a green sash across his chest, white gloves, black pants and black boots.

Joel rules over the kingdom of mezalea. It is located in the north-easten mesa biome from the servers spawn, next to the ocean which in resides the ocean empire. It contains buildings and settlements that are built with coloured concrete and materials that can be found in the mesa.

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