Player Profiles - Xornoth

47 2 0

Relatives - Scott (brother)
                      Exor (soul predecessor)
                      Alinar (Ancestor)
                      Cohnal (Ancestor)

Xornoth is the main antagonist of Season 1. Xornoth is a demonic creature (demon) who corrupts the lands of the server. Two things his dislikes include his name being said and water. Xornoth enjoys replacing or adding corrupted blocks. He is said to be the mystery 13th player on the server despite being in creative and not owning an empire.

After Scott read 'The clash of the great stags' Scott and Xornoth were confirmed to be twins, Xornoth older by a few minutes. Both Scott and Xornoth and decendents of Alinar and Cohnal and Soul predecessors of Aeor and Exor. 

Xornoth is introduced as a demon with pitch black skin, a smile and bright crimson, red eyes. He has a eerie purple glow over his body.

After the ender dragon fight and the ender dragon is killed, Xornoth reaches his final form. Xornoth's eyes change colour to a red- violet colour. He has a pair of massive, black stag horns.

In Scott's season finale, an uncorrupted Xornoth appears in a happy afterlife with Scott. Xornoth was an elf with long magenta hair in a ponytail and purple eyes. He had red earings and wore a white cloak identical to Scott's except part was covered by a black shirt. Other than that, he also wore a blue band on his left arm and golden bracelets with blue lining, black trousers and brown boots.

Prior to the events of season one, Xornoth ravaged the Gnomeland and all the gnomes were wiped out, except Shrub. Xornoth had followed Shrub to the land of empires. By the time season one starts Xornoth is bound to the ender dragon's life and is mostly powerless. He only appears to the rulers in whispers and Visages, like a rumor. Characters like Scott and Shrub do not remember him. 

In the second act, Xornoth started scarring rulers and tempting them with the promise of power. Some like fWhip, Sausage and expecially Joey were drawn in by this and Xornoth directed them to slay the dragon. In the final battle, Xornoth was released and he swiftly spread corruption far and wide.

In the final battle, Xornoth was trapped in a crystal and by all measure rendered completely harmless. The crystal was held onto by his brother Scott in Rivendell. When the explosion happened in the Grimlands, Xornoth was again set free. He quickly corrupted Rivendell and he prepared the same entrapment spell for Scott. The brothers faced off and Scott used the rune blade on himself, transporting the two of them to a happy afterlife where Xornoth was never corrupted.

As an addition to the eeriness of Xornoth's appearances throughout the server, the demon also left traces of corruption at each empires area. This corruption was crimson coloured and smelled like blood, it came in the form of scattered crimson nylium, roots and vines, nether wart blocks, netherack, lava and redstone (aka blood.) Crimson nylium and roots replaced crops and lava often replaced water. No base was spared this corruption but Joey and Sausage both encouraged in their kingdoms.

Since Xornoth's first appearance, the demon could float in the air, teleport and turn invisible. Empire rulers would hear strange whispers whenever he was nearby and Xornoth started talking to some of the rulers in a low pitched, resonating, garbled voice. He could also darken the sky and bring thunderstorms. As his power grew, he started to demonstrate ultimate power over the world. He could spawn entities, cause blindness, teleport people or instantly killing people.

Several rulers described nightmares with Xornoth in them, in which they are encased in a room and held as test subjects. Gem was the first to experience it in memeroble detail, although it became apparent when the same thing happened for Katherine and fWhip as they discussed it. Shrub at one point also mentioned that she was having bad dreams and constantly sleep walking and waking up in her fairy circle.

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