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"People do crazy things when they are in love."

-Meg, Hercules.


23rd September, 2015:

Narsee Monjee College of Engineering,

To the left to S.V Road,

A new white washed building,

Vile Parle (West).



Exams were coming in 4 days. Vikas and Shyla were sitting in the plush library of their college.

"Did you finish that part in instrumentation?" Shyla asked. She caught him staring at her.

She snapped her fingers thrice in front of his face. Vikas came out of his reverie.

"No." He said going back to his books.

"You have to do it. How are you going to pass? You cannot afford to fail the first semester of your second year!!"

"If I have you by my side, I 'm sure I can." He said with a small smile.

Shyla not understanding simply shook her head. "You gotta concentrate. Finish this part and I'll ask you questions."

If only I had the courage to ask you the question of my heart. Vikas dropped his head and tried studying.

Key word: tried.

It was but obvious that Vikas needed somebody to tutor him or rather make him study. With great difficulty, he had managed to go through his first year. Shyla had taken it up on her sleeve to make him to pass all his papers in a single attempt. She was not going to give up on him and he...he was going to buy Lindt chocolates for her b'day.

"Do it." Shyla said looking at him for one last time before she went back to her books.

Everybody could see the change in Vikas' behavior. He still had his arrogant façade but he managed to make a few decent friends. His attendance was changing to the minimal percentage. The doped look he had in his eyes, looked softer, though his puffy eyes were still there. He managed to be clean shaven for two or three days of the week, but over the weekend his stubble would be back on. His dressing habits changed a bit. He smelt better and now always carried a packet of mint tic tacs in his pocket and was in the habit popping in 3 of them just before he met Shyla at any point of the day.

Shyla did notice these changes, but she didn't bother about them. To her Vikas was simply a friend, nothing else.



"So did you understand?" She asked him in a tired voice.

"Yes." He said seriously. "Thanks, Shy!" and ruffled her hair.

She slapped his hand away, "Nice way of reciprocating the favor." She rolled her eyes at him.

They started packing their bags, and she began instructing him "Sleep early tonight and meet me tomorrow at 9:00 here, sharp."

"Okay, Shy!" he said carelessly.

"I mean it Vikas! Don't be late!"

"I won't." He hugged her and waved her goodbye as she exited the library.

As soon as she was out of sight, he went to the nearest liquor shop where his friends were waiting and drank a shot of vodka. He refused for the next shot, but his friends persuaded him and he ended up drunk.


24th September,2015

Narsee Monjee College of Engineering,

To the left to S.V Road,

A new white washed building,

Vile Parle (West).



"Pick up your phone damm it!" Shyla shouted at her phone and paced around. It was the fifteenth time she was calling him. She was done with him.

Vikas woke up with a throbbing headache. He looked at the time on his phone screen.

Now the scariest things in life are:

· 14 missed calls from your mom.

· Empty box of chocolates.

· Empty bottle of Nutella

· Marriage of Ian Somerhalder.

And the top of this list is a list of angry texts from your crush. As soon as he saw the number of phone calls and text messages left by Shyla , he jumped out of his bed and within 20 minutes of he was out of his house. His mother didn't bother to wake him up before because she felt her son needed a few slaps from life itself. Neither her shouting nor his dad's anger on him will solve his issues. She simply sighed and continued making lunch for herself.


"Where the FUCK were you?" Shyla shouted at him when he met her at the hallway. "This is the fourth time, you are doing this!!"

"I-I-"He was simply speechless and was truly ashamed. He avoided eye contact and remained silent. Noticing that he was not arguing back or making any excuses, she cupped his face and made him face her. Noticing the blood shot eyes, she said in a cold tone, "You went out drinking again, didn't you?"


He remained silent.

Nice move, bananapants!

"Answer me dammit!" She removed her hands from his face and balled them into fists.

Oh Shyla.

"Yes." He said in a quiet tone. For a moment he could see the hurt in her brown eyes before they turned cold again. Before he saw her blink, she raised her hand and slapped him across his face. The sound echoed the empty hallways of the college. Holding his cheek with his left, he looked intently at her eyes.

I never meant to hurt you.

"I've had enough of this shit." She whispered angrily.

A tear rolled down from her left eye which she quickly wiped away.

Please don't cry. Not because of me. Vikas controlled himself from reaching out and wiping that tear.

"I never should have FUCKING trusted you." She pushed his toned chest with her right index finger and continued. "I should have listened to all the people who warned me about you."

No, Shyla don't. Vikas' heart beat was increasing by the moment.

"For every step I took you forward, you pulled me down by 10 steps. Enjoy studying for your exams. Have fun failing!!" She stomped away, leaving him alone in the hallway. He leaned against the wall and sank down to the floor. The one good thing that happened to him, he had crushed it with his own bare hands.

"AAARRRRRRRRGGGHHHHH!!!" Vikas shouted, releasing all the frustration. He removed out his phone and looked at the wallpaper.

It was a picture of Shyla and him. He was looking at her when, she was taking the picture.

A tear drop fell on the phone screen, before it went black.

He had done serious damage.

And he had no idea how to fix it.


A/N: How many updates do I owe you guys?

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A Toxic Relationship.[On Hold.]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora