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"You know you are in love when you can't fall asleep, because reality is finally better than your dreams."


29th October, 2015.

Narsee Monjee College of Engineering,

To the left to S.V Road,

A new white washed building,

Vile Parle (West).



"Hey Shy!" Vikas came happily in the library and ruffled Shyla's hair.

"Do you really have to do that?" She said setting her hair again and gave a bored look towards him.

"Do you really have to do that?!" Vikas sniggered as he imitated Shyla and earned a few dirty looks from the librarian.

"Stop it now.So, how many cigarettes are you going to have today?" Shyla asked seriously.

"Only 5." He said like an obedient student.

"And how many shots are you going to have today?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Absolutely. Positive."

"And what are you?"

"I'm a strong person who won't succumb to his weaknesses." He replied in a bored voice.

"Now, who's a good boy?!" She asked, as though she was talking to a puppy.

"Tom Cruise." Vikas said that and ran away.

"Hey!" She went after him.

The thing is they had come up with a time table. Since vikas was used to drinking 10 cigarettes and having 20-25 shots each day, he could not completely let go of all of them, in one day. So like any other rehab centre, she followed the five steps of leaving alcoholism.

First – Admit you have a problem.

Shyla made Vikas break all his bottles, including the secret stash he had in the corner of the cupboards and the toilet tanks.

Second—Apologize to all the people they have hurt during their time of drinking.

She made him apologize to his mother, father and her of course.

Third— make a time-table to reduce his intake.

At the beginning, every third day she made him cut a cigarette and a shot of drink. To replace that she gave him nicotine gum and healthy fruit and vegetable shakes. And each time she caught him throwing those shakes into the kitchen sink, in the beginning he gave her 20 push ups and 40 crunches and they increased to 50 push ups and 100crunches. Believe me that happened a lot many times, so Vikas was really sweating it. The point of the punishment was not make it more severe but to make Vikas more healthy, and each time she made him do that, he whole heartedly gave his 110 % to impress her.

Fourth—Each time he wanted to drink beyond his day's limit, he would call up Shyla and she would take him somewhere else, to put his mind elsewhere and make him realize the effect of his drinking.

Fifth—Before going to bed, she made sure that he said a small 'Thank you' to the universe, and go to sleep.

They had grown quite close to each other. So close that each time Vikas would drop Shyla to her house on his bike, her mother didn't like it at all.



Shyla sat there in the canteen, wondering why Akash had suddenly stopped talking to her. Her salad and her sandwich remained, untouched until Vikas came and interrupted her reverie.

"Heya! Why the sad face"


"Come on. I know something's bothering you." He said eating her salad. "This is really good. Why haven't you eaten anything yet?"

She simply sighed and took a spoonful of the salad with her fork.

"I was just wondering, why Akash hasn't spoken to me."


"Do you have any idea, why he would do that?" He simply pursed her lips.

"Men. I just don't understand them." She said and went to take a bite from her sandwich.

"Same, even women are very difficult to understand." Vikas said dramatically.

She countered him immediately.

"No, we women are very simple to understand. All we need is love and affection and want our men to stay away from other girls."

"We men, want the same thing too. And we want our girls to stay away from other guys not because we don't trust them but because we do not trust the other guy's intention with our girls."

"Wow. That's quite something."

"Like, take an example. I have been crushing on this girl from the time, college has started and yet, she has done nothing but consider me as a friend. I keep dropping these subtle hints that I like her, but she doesn't give me a proper response. What am I to do?"

"Who is this girl?"

"The same one in those text messages we talk about? "


"She must be having a name. Who is she?" she asked finishing her sandwich.

"That's not the point. The point is I don't know how to tell her that I like her. I will not even know whether she likes me or not."

"There are so many girls crushing on you. There's Swati, Rhea, Shreya, god! It's a long list. They love that 'bad boy' vibe they get from you and keep asking me to set you up with them."

"I never knew I was this popular among the ladies." He said with a smirk. "Now, getting back to the point. How do I tell this girl that I like her?"

"Just man-up and tell her."

Vikas took a deep breath in and looked at Shyla with hopeful eyes.

"Well then Shyla, I like you. Would you do the honour of being my girlfriend?"


A/N: Cliffy!!

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