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"Being able to wait is a sign of patience and true love. Anyone can say 'I Love You' but not everyone can wait and prove its true."


"Shyla." He whispered, letting the fridge door shut itself.

Shyla held her breath. Mrs.Kapoor breaking the odd silence said,

"Why don't you two go to Vikas' bedroom and talk things, over. I'll get you some snacks later. Make sure you behave yourself Vikas."

Vikas' face turned crimson and Shyla nodded awkwardly. Back home she had made an excuse of meeting one of her friends in the library. Her family would have never allowed going to a boy's house alone. Ever. Indian logic, go figure.

Vikas led Shyla to his room and as soon as they were in front of her, he requested her to stay out of the room for a minute so that he could dump all his clothes and the boxers and of course the poems he had written for her underneath the bed.

Two minutes later he called her inside. Shyla sat at the foot of his bed and put her legs up to sit in the lotus position.

"We need to talk." Shyla said business like.

He sat in front of her. "There is nothing to talk." He said in a bored voice.

"Fine." She said and got up from the bed. Just as she was about to reach the door knob, he pulled her other hand back.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. Have a seat."

She rolled her eyes at him and sat down back.

"What are you doing with yourself?" She realized that he was still holding on to her hand. She understood the fact that he took comfort in holding her hand and did not show any sign of moving from there. He remained silent and continued to look in her eyes intently.

"Say something." Shyla said in a defeated tone.

"I just realized how much I have missed you." He said hoarsely, sighing a little.

He stood up from his bed, went to the cupboard, and from a corner removed a small bottle of clear liquid, from which he took a long sip.

"Don't drink man, not in front of me." She groaned.

"Sorry, I just wanted to finish my morning dose."

As he sat down again, she shifted her seat closer to him. She took his hand in hers and rubbed it gently. Avoiding eye contact, she said sadly,

"Just look, how you are harming yourself. Stop it. I'm sorry for lashing out on you the other day, okay? If you have to direct any anger towards anybody it has to be me, not your family, especially not your mother." She looked up at him. "She doesn't deserve this. You father doesn't deserve this. Hell, even you don't deserve this!! So just please stop it." Pulling him into a hug, she continued, "I've missed you too, you know. I wouldn't want you see you go to a rehab. Those places are horrible as fuck. Besides from whom will I learn to crack non-veg jokes?"

He gave a small laugh and hugged her back, by placing her hand at the small of her back. He tightened his grip around her, and whispered in to her ear huskily.


She stayed there. Not flinching one bit.

"Don't go."


"I can't do it, by myself." Tears were at the brim of his eyes. He took his other hand and hugged her all the more tightly. Burying his head in the crook of her neck, quiet sobs began pouring. Shyla rubbed her hand maternally on his back.

"Sshhuuu-Don't cry." She whispered soothingly. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Promise?" He sniffled.

"Promise." She said firmly. Pulling out of the hug, he continued to hold her hand, and began drawing small circles on her wrist.

Looking down, he blushed, and rubbed the back of his neck,

"Ummm, Shyla there's one more thing-" Shyla's phone began ringing.

I want you to know that it's our time
You and me bleed the same light
I want you to know that I'm all yours
You and me we're the same force
I want you to know that it's our time
You and me bleed the same light
I want you to know that I'm all yours
You and me run the same course

" Give me a sec, Vikas. I'm sorry. Just a sec." She said answering her phone. She turned behind and spoke in a soft tone, though Vikas was able to hear it.

"Hey babe!"She said muffling her mouth piece. "Listen, I'm with a friend, right now, I'll call you later. Okay? Yeah.No.Yeah. Okkaaayy. Bye." She cut the call with a small smile on her face.

"Who was is it?" Vikas asked as politely as he could. It's natural isn't it, the word 'babe' can be used for so many things from a girl's point of view. Or maybe just two.

Your girlfriend (as in your bestie) or the boy you like.

"It was Akash."

"Your classmate?" His jaw tensing up.

"Yeah. After I fought with you, he gave me a shoulder to cry on. He just confessed to me yesterday, that he likes me.' She said blushing.

"Oh. So you like him back?" The answer to this question was more important.

"I don't know yet. I think I do-"

Vikas' heart just stopped for a second. "but, he doesn't know me like you do, you know. He hasn't yet bought me lindt chocolates yet! That's the first thing he should be knowig about me, if he likes me." She said with her shoulders slumped and let out a small smile.

"Thanks, though." He said, diverting the topic.

"This is nothing, tell you what I'll make a time table for you, and with each day follow it up. It'll be tough, but together, we'll do it, starting from today!"

He pulled her into a side hug and said, "You are the best!!"

"I know." She hugged him back, while Vikas made a mental note to talk to Akash.


A/N: I'm coping.

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