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"When you trip over love, it is easy to get up. But when you fall in love, it is impossible to stand again." — Albert Einstein


"Well then Shyla, I like you. Would you do the honour of being my girlfriend?"


1 second. 10 seconds. 100 seconds.

Shyla gaped at Vikas, with her mouth open.

"Hello! Where are you ?" He snapped fingers in front of her face.

"Did I hear correctly about you just said?" she asked in a soft voice.

"Yes. I even followed it up with a question. I asked you if I should ask my crush out in that way, but you seemed to zone out."

Relief washed over Shyla.

"So this was not a serious question?"

"No, it wasn't. Besides I'm not gay!"

Shyla punched his arm. "Ouch, that hurt!" He said rubbing the area where she hit him.

"Some man you are."

"Please, I got muscles bro and a six pack." He said by lifting his arms and taking his stomach inside, thereby striking a superman pose.

"The only pack that I can see is a fat pack."

Releasing his breath, he rolled his eyes at her and went on to complete his lunch.

"Coming back to the original topic, why do you think Akash is not talking to me? I thought he liked me."

Looking down at his food and giving it sole attention, he frowned a bit as he started chewing.

"I don't know maybe you should ask him."


Throwing their plates into the dustbins and headed towards their respective classes.



The bell rang, indicating the class was over. As the students got up to leave, Shyla packed her bag hurriedly and went behind Akash.

"Hey Akash! Wait up!" From the crowd, one could see a tall, well built body, get tensed and stopping at the tracks. She went to him.

"Everything's cool between us right?" She asked looking at his black eyes.

"Why are taking the trouble to talk to me?"He asked agitated.

"I'm sorry, did I do something?" She asked, taken aback by his rude tone.

"Weren't you the one who said that you didn't want to talk to me forever, because I was a narcissistic rich pig , who doesn't care about studying. Guess what? I'm going to top this semester." Saying this he walked past her slightly shoving her shoulder.

Shyla stood there for a few seconds trying to process this information. She turned behind and sprinted after him and pulled his hand.

"Listen, I don't know from where you heard this, but I never said any of those things about you. I swear. I mean, why would I do that? I like you! And..." She immediately covered her mouth after realizing what she had just said. Akash looked at her in wonder.

"I'm sorry, that wasn't how it was supposed to come out.." She said trying to cover her word vomit.

"Say that again?"Akash said playfully and stepped in closer, thereby intimidating her with his tall posture.

"Uh,ummm..."Shyla blushed and looked down. He stood there, enjoying the fact that she was getting nervous. He cleared his throat and continued,

"So Ms. Shyla Khan, let me get this straight, you like me.." Shyla covered her face. It was crimson because of the embarrassment she was going through. Akash chuckled.

"And now we have a situation." He said changing his tone into a serious one.

He closed the distance between them, and touched his forehead with her's. He made her look into his eyes, by gently lifting her chin with his right and supporting her by placing is left at small of her back.

"What are you doing?" she whispered, placing the palm of her left hand at nape of his neck and her right an inch below that.

"Rectifying the situation." He said with a smirk.

"So now, I'm a situation?" She asked shyly.

"Stop talking," He said pulled her into a kiss. Closing her eyes she leaned in and recognized the smell of the perfume he was wearing. It was Calvin Klein. As their lips came in contact he realized that she was wearing her favorite vanilla lip-gloss and her hair smelt of Jasmine. He cupped both her cheeks as she entwined her fingers with his hair, tightened the grip and deepened the kiss. He practically lifted her off the ground to come closer to her.

After a few seconds, what felt like eternity, they pulled back, breathing heavily. It was quite a kiss, well it looked like one.

"Let's go get some ice cream shall we?" Akash asked, knowing that she loved having ice cream all year round.


They headed towards the parking lot and just as she was about to sit on Akash's bike, she heard a familiar voice call out her name.

"Vikas? What are you doing here?"


A/N: Cliffy! I'm off to B'lore, so there'll be a later update. If pay close attention, you'll get a movie reference. Tell me which movie it is! 

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