Writer's Mind.

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A reverse poem. So, read it from top to bottom and bottom to top.

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"What's in writers' mind?"
To some poeple's question,
Here, I hope my answer is accurate.

A writer's mind forever plays,
Imagination soars, as they create.
Characters and worlds, they relate,
Crafts tales and stories that come alive.

In dreams and thoughts, their visions take flight,
Through words, their emotions ignite.
Pen and paper, their tools of expression,
Painting life's colors, leaving an impression.

Within their mind, endless stories revolve,
From hidden depths, their narratives evolve.
With expression, they spin their wordy lace,
Conveying thoughts, with elegance and grace.

Bottom to top:

With expression, they spin their wordy lace,
Conveying thoughts, with elegance and grace.
From hidden depths, their narratives evolve,
Within their mind, endless stories revolve.

Painting life's colors, leaving an impression,
Pen and paper, their tools of expression.
Through words, their emotions ignite,
In dreams and thoughts, their visions take flight.

Crafts tales and stories that come alive,
Characters and worlds, they relate.
Imagination soars, as they create,
A writer's mind forever plays.

Here, I hope my answer is accurate
To some people's question,
"What's in writers' mind."

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