Eyes Meet, Heart Speaks.

72 34 5


From the moment our eyes locked, you, in a black tee, took my breath away.
Like a breathtaking sunset, you were flawless in every way.
Your mesmerizing eyes whispered the stories I had longed to hear for years.

With just a gentle touch, you sent shivers down my spine,
No one else could ever recreate that electrifying feeling, it's forever mine.
I still remember the words you said when we first met,
They bring joy and laughter, a memory I'll never forget.

Your sweet gestures and efforts won my heart completely,
With you, I find pure happiness, feeling carefree.
Although I'm unsure if it's love, one thing is true,
I only want to be by your side, making me blush for you.

I want to be with you always, like a loyal shadow,
Because there are countless reasons why I'm drawn to you, I know.
So let me express my deep emotions, like a masterpiece, anew,
To show you the love I have, just for you.

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