Envy of Brilliance

110 45 5


All I ever wanted to be is just smart,
To rise above the rest, to play my part.
Yearning, striving, for that precious glow,
To feel confident, a radiant inner show.

But I always feel envy as I watch other shine, unafraid. I always feel envy as I looked at the other confidently stand. I always feel envy as they stand before crowds, answering questions with ease, like it was the easiest thing they have ever heard.

While I remain seated, looking straight ahead,
Blaming and hating myself, for the thought that fled;
Blaming and hating myself for why my brain is completely empty,
While other rise, with intellectual mighty?

All I ever wanted was just smarts,
Confidence to illuminate my heart,
To be deemed good enough, I dreamt,
Yet reality reveals I'm not exempt.

All I ever did was try, try, try,
Following their advice,
reaching for the sky.
But others did better,
it seems, by design.
I wasn't brave enough to
let my thinking shine.

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